MR/Mir/Moor means Love and Pyramid in Egypt

in #egypt7 years ago


The sound mer has 2 meanings in KMT Egypt.
Mir means Love as well as pyramid.
The word amor, Amir, amore and its variants have are rooted in this sound. Mr or amor is also the basis of the word immortal. Mari means beloved in Egypt and was a title of Isis as well as the Mother Goddess of Syria. Many people have real experiences of pure freely flowing love when they tune in to Mother Mary. Mr is contained in the names of many lands.
And the most ancient name of Egypt
Moors are one of the prominent names of the pyramid and mound building cultures tracing back past lemuria up even to present day.

The Mer Ka Ba uses the word mR to signify love or unity consciusness being the first key to activating the Merkaba properly.

More also can mean to expand.
To expand is to flow with the life currents and impulses. Anything unlike MR or Love in our mind emotions and vibration can cause us to either shut down the expansion or to learn to flow more and to expand. And eventually shutting down flow of Love Mr, moor or expansion becomes so stagnant, we will joyfully choose moor or expansion.
Mr, expansion or more in this sense means love.

The word mirror comes from mr because we are mirrors to each other, especially in love.

From my understanding and feeling of it,
Love is freely flowing no matter what in its purest sense.
Love or Mr meaning pyramid leads me to see the sacred geometrical tetrahedrons and golden
Means that make up all creation as love itself.
life itself is love.
the absolute space that is everywhere allowing all to exist in it is love.
attention directed anywhere is love. The attention itself is love. The thoughts behind the attention may vary, and the feeling underlying the attention may be different but attention is love.
Love is life force. Love is our emotions. Love is infinite intelligence.
Infinite intelligence stimulates emotions and feelings in us as guidance to know if we are being Love and manifesting thru love or not.
Love is who we are eternally.
When we are not feeling this love, we may have begun to look for love outside of self and become codependent rather than sourcing Godself for all Love.
When its challenging with ones we love, it is because Love is bringing up and out anything unlike it.
Love and Joy will always bring up anything unlike it from the depths of the unconscious mind and energy body to be cleared and healed.

Breathing is a natural form of love for we all share the same air. Even with animals and plants. We are sharing our breath every moment. This is love.
The more aware we become of our breath, the more we become aware of love.
The more we flow with the breath, the more we flow with life and love.
Love is a Continuous flowing current or stream. As our breath becomes more freely flowing continuous, are love does as well.

Love is the greatest healer.
Love is genuine heart felt perpetually pleasurably flowing freeing spontaneous unique infinite one playful relaxed intense productive prosperous and always now beyond time space.
Love will always be a trillion times better than all the words we could ever say about it.

Some mantras to increase our love flow and feeling are


Radheshyam SitaRama

Arut perum jyothi
Arut perum jyothi
Thani perum karunai
Arut perum jyothi

Auṁ Namah Sivaya

Hare Krsna

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