Even though it smells, petai keeps these 5 important benefits

in #efficacy6 years ago

Hi my beloved friend, For some people, petai is a food that can stimulate appetite, and so eating can be more hearty. However, not everyone agrees with this opinion, because there are also those who think petai is a smelly food that must be avoided and should not be eaten. Regardless of the pleasure and displeasure of people about their taste and aroma, petai keeps some important benefits that will make you think twice about not eating it.


  • Prevent Depression
    Petai contains tryptophan which is one of the essential amino acids that help the body's growth and development. And besides being rich in protein, the content of tryptophan can form other compounds such as niacin which is good for skin health and digestion, and serotonin which is good for the mood. And more than that, serotonin can effectively prevent depression, reduce insomnia, and stabilize mood changes.

  • Effective Therapy for Quitting Smoking
    Who would have thought, and it turns out that Petai is also an effective therapy for those of you who want to stop smoking. Because the content of B6 and B12 in petai can reduce the sense of addiction to cigarettes. In addition, the content of potassium and magnesium can reduce the feeling of wanting to consume nicotine.

  • Overcoming anemia
    If eating petai is also beneficial to overcome anemia. The reason is, petai fruit contains iron which can overcome the symptoms of anemia such as weakness and lethargy, dizziness, and nausea. Petai benefits in dealing with anemia indirectly also have a role when menstruating. Therefore, women who are experiencing menstruation are advised to consume petai which in addition to neutralizing mood, is also a source of iron for the body. Also read: 3 Appetite Enhancing Nutrition

  • Helps Maintain Heart Health
    Petai benefits that are no less important are maintaining our heart health, thus preventing heart disease. So the explanation is that the content of potassium in petai is effective to promote cardiovascular health and help reduce blood pressure. Eating potassium-rich foods can prevent heart disease. Because, potassium acts to regulate the electrical activity of the heart and helps control blood pressure. In addition, other potassium benefits are helping to build and move the muscles, allowing the kidneys to filter blood, and maintain normal body fluid and cell volume.

Cure Swelling Due to Insect Bites
And one of the important benefits of other petai is that it can cure swelling due to insect bites while treating itching afterwards. And the method of application is to spread the inside of the petai skin to an area that is bitten by insects.

If we know the many benefits of consuming petai, it is undeniable that the main problem of consuming petai is the stinging aroma left in the mouth and during urination. And there are some tips that you can apply to reduce the unpleasant aroma of this petai. Starting from brushing your teeth and gargling, consuming lots of water, and drinking milk after eating petai can also neutralize the smell of odor left by petai. So do not forget to put perfume on the toilet to reduce the unpleasant smell and clean the genital area in more detail after the toilet.

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