Russia Rising: Chapter 1: Dasha

in #efedding5 years ago

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia:

The car pulled up to the security gate in the front of the old, iconic fortress that served as the nerve center, the center of power for the Russian government and military. The guard walked up and looked at the driver who nodded showing his ID. “I have Colonel Ivanova in the back.” The guard nodded and peeked at the back window. The woman in the back looked up from her reading and the guard saluted. She returned the salute and a few moments later the car made it’s way through the checkpoint and parked. Dasha and her escort walked towards their destination, Dasha’s military uniform was spotless and impeccable as always., bearing insignias that marked her as a member of the elite Spetsnaz corps, and also a member of the GRU. Finally, she made her way to her destination and waited as her escort opened the door and held it for her before walking into the room. Her escort closed the door behind her, not following her into the room. The meeting was not for him. Now, his job was to wait. Inside the room, Dasha looked as the man behind the desk in the room stood up and nodded. “Comrade Ivanova.. Do we have a resolution to our issue with the Belarusian Suka?” Dasha smirked. “I believe she understands that if she continues to cooperate with the Americans that the safety of her family can’t be guaranteed.” He nods. “Shoulda just killed her.” Dasha rolled her eyes. “With respect, the propensity of high profile critics of the President meeting equally high profile deaths is one of the reasons we have too many eyes on us. The Belarusian will be much more useful to us alive, I’d remind you I’ve never failed a mission yet.”

The man nods. “Yes, the President has always liked you and your record speaks for itself. It’s why you’ve been hand picked by the President for this next task.” Dasha sat, still holding her hat neatly tucked under her arm as she listened, her face showing not even the slightest hint of emotion on her face as she nodded a single time. “And who does the President wish neutralized this time?” The man smirked. “Every time we talk, I am reminded of why he likes you. You would have done so well in the old days.” Dasha let a small smirk crack her face. “We will rebuild the Union yet.. It is simply a matter of time.” The older officer smiled as he settled into his seat. “I wish I had your confidence.. At any rate, I suppose I should stop wasting your time and get to your next assignment, da?” Dasha gave a slight nod of her head. “The sooner I know it, the sooner I can get started.” He nods. “It’s the Americans. McStrump seems to have forgotten the generous aid we provided him. He seems to think he does not need to repay our investment in him. Worse, he seems to have embraced some weird offshoot religion.” Dasha nods, unsurprised. “I believe I warned against this.. Lenin spoke of useful idiots. We forgot the first part and just recruited an idiot.” The man lets out a small laugh, “Indeed. The president believed he could control him and things were going well for a time. But things are starting to slow down and the President is afraid your assessment might have been right. Given your gift for predicting how things will play out and finding out what needs to be done to reach a desired outcome, he wants you to go to America and keep an eye on things and when needed, remind the American President that he takes orders from our President now.” Dasha nods as she listens, idly flipping through the information in the folder laid out for her. “And my cover?” “Multi-faceted. You will be covered as a diplomat and thus should have immunity, but on the off chance he decides to try and block your access to him, you will also be competing as a professional fighter, which is why we’ll need you to team up with Boris again.”

Dasha rolled her eyes at the last part and sighed. “He will only slow me down.. The man has less intellect than a Georgian farmer.” The officer looks at Dasha. “You know that the man is smarter than he appears, you were the one who first said so. Besides, when properly motivated, his size and strength mean he can take on an entire squad of soldiers himself. You’ve seen him do this.” Dasha nodded. Boris did have his uses, that was for sure.” Dasha took a moment to consider the situation, her mind’s eye playing through the likely chain of events as she tried to piece together all possible outcomes.. Boris was at least a known quantity. A variable she could account for, accurately predict, and plan for. She glanced back at her superior and nodded. “Where is he, these days?” The officer shrugged and dropped another folder on the desk. “Northern Siberia, near the arctic circle. He’s providing security for our scientists taking samples and looking to collect data on changing climates.. And some of the members of the team are scouting for new opportunities for oil and natural gas. We can spare him to help you..”

Dasha nodded “And the cover?” The officer smiled. “All taken care of, comrade. We still have some friends in MOX News. You and Boris are on the roster and will be fighting in Detroit Michigan. Team USA vs. Team Russia.” Dasha nodded in approval at the efficiency of a job well done by her government. Her smirk returned as she heard the match setup. “Excellent. And who have they gathered to represent the corrupt and decadent capitalist oligarchy?” The officer shrugged. “Valora Salinas, who I believe you know and some uneducated peasant from the southern regions of the country. We are still learning about him, but he seems to go by the name ‘Huckleberry’ and fights animals.” Dasha nods. “A circus act. This Huckleberry sounds like everything about American culture that Valora claims to despise. They will not be a unified team. Boris and I will. Victory is guaranteed.”

The officer nodded seriously at this and narrowed his eyes a bit. “See that it is, Comrade. Our President does not wish to see Russia humiliated. Show the Americans how weak and pathetic their country is now. Show them where their corrupt Bourgeois overlords and their political whores have led them to.”

Dasha paused for a moment and then nodded as she saluted. “Understood. We will not fail. Boris and I will break them.” She said before gathering the folders of information about her task, spinning sharply on her heel and turning to leave the office, waving to her driver as she exited the office, glancing over her shoulder. “Ready a plane. We are going to Siberia.. We have a big, dumb ox to collect.” The driver blinked in confusion and then eventually connected the dots. “Drago?” Dasha simply nodded, causing the man to sigh. “We will need a bigger vehicle then..”

The pair then exited the office on the Kremlin complex and made their way back to the car and a short while later they were in the air, flying towards their destination in the middle of nowhere in the extreme northern regions of Siberia. Dasha sat in the plane, studying the folders of her current mission, now dressed in heavy winter gear complete with the trademark Russian fur hat. As the plane landed, Dasha stood, bracing herself as the plane made contact with the ground, shaking and rattling with the impact. Eventually, coming to a stop, the drop doors landed and Dasha walked out, a lifetime in Russia allowing her to step into the severe cold with little to no change in her demeanor, no sign she even noticed the drastic drop in temperature, the biting, bone chilling cold as she walked with determination to the officer greeting her returning his salute as she spoke over the cold, harsh northern wind. “I’ve come for comrade Boris Drago. Where is he?”

(to be continued in Boris’s half)

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