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RE: HOW CAN MUSICIANS QUIT THEIR DAY JOBS? (PHASE 1) - The most practical advice for your music career you'll hear this year!

Bloody brilliant as ever mate! I'm so yearning and desperate to realise this dream and make it a reality. I have a 12 month plan to work PT at my day job and PT at music. I'll hopefully get there. It has a lot to do with - musical talent and creativity, about the following that we acquire along the way, and probably the most important of all for me personally, is online presence.
That, at the moment, is making me some £££.
Gigs here in the UK for independent original artists like myself, pay very little. You're lucky to get £40 or £50 for an hours set of original songs.
I do feel as though my online fan base will sustain some kind of PT income for me, which can be built on over the coming months.
I wish us all the very best of luck in our revolutionary, decentralised musical journey's!
Cheers again mate.
Daz 🎸


Sweet as mate! I glad you got something from Phase 1.
Yes, it's important to get super clear and set goals, and vital to keep visualising your dream daily and as specifically as you can with as much emotional energy invested as you can muster.
It's a shame the gigs don't pay a great deal there. That's not how I experienced the UK the times I played there, so things have tightened over there too since I last played there, but then I also probably got paid more because I was an Aussie touring the UK and had Glastonbury fest under my belt. But then, I have always been hardline about how much they must pay me or I'll draw the crowd to their nearby competitor's venue. Their choice and I let them know in a diplomatic, friendly way. It rarely needs to even go there, I've found, but most venue bookers/managers/agents some how respect that kind of resolve because they too often deal with either wishy-washy musicians or desperate musicians who'll accept anything or arrogant ones that have no follow through.
I still think that doing real-life gigs is important for a musician's career. It sharpens the performance tools and skills, it creates more fans and you can sell CDs and other merch directly to people on top of the pay you're getting from the venue.
Heck, I've got friends who earn a killing doing professional busking playing their own music through a busking PA in key zones.
As Pechi mentioned above, diversification of income is key in any business and so is budget awareness.

I agree that Steemit presents a new exciting potential income stream for musicians.
If we take Kevin Kelly's '1000 true fans' understanding (1000 true fans spending $100 per year = $100,000 per year) whilst incorporating Bob Burg's 'Go-Giver' approach of providing value for others, mixed in with Pareto's '80/20 principal' (where 20% of your fans will provide 80% of your revenue) then online music business can become a very abundant income stream as an artist.
Steemit can provide a good portion of that concept, I reckon.

Anyway, huge blessings to ya mate! Thanks for reading and commenting.

A lot to digest there mate!
Maybe I've been selling myself short at gigs?
I'll be getting a game plan together and get some monetary correlation between 'Performing' and selling music! cross-curricular if you like?
Have a good day, evening, morning my time travelling friend!

PS. You know what though mate? I'd love to do a tour with you in the future! co-headliners and smash it up!!!!

Haha... Definitely, a lot to digest. I do tend to get carried away, but there's some gems in there worth looking into.

Well, it is common that musicians sell themselves short with fees at gigs, but also things change and not always for the better. Musician's fees have dropped in Australia too so I suspect that'd be the case for the UK, but don't dismiss it outright as an income source. And try to find a way to leverage your fees up (by demonstrating financial &/or marketing value to the venue).
It's important to get a game plan so that's awesome! There's definitely cross-curricular elements.

Touring together in the future would be heapsa fun, especially with a cheeky larrikin like you and has a potential, buds.

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