8 Causes Of Procrastination And How To Avoid Them

in #educative6 years ago (edited)


The key to beating procrastination is to find out what your specific reason are for doing so, and then addressing them at the core.

  • Reason 1. Perfectionism

perfectionism limits the definition of success to an unrealistic standard. You might no get everything right all the time, you must learn to accept failure and learn from it.

  • Reason 2. Fear of the unknown

Knowledge is power. But knowing is only half the battle from there you have to take corrective actions if necessary. Learn to be bold and confident it give a sense of self-esteem.

  • Reason 3. I'll do it latter

People make different decision for what will impact them in the immediate future than what will impact them down the road. Whenever a task is at hand, endeavor to carry it out as soon as possible instead of leaving it for latter.

  • Reason 4. Working on small tasks because they are easier

The immediate hassle of having to wait for a payoff doesn't seem worth the unknown future benefits. Learn to challenge yourself, take on complex task, do new things, learn better and improve on yourself.

  • Reason 5. You experience a lack of motivation

If you are able to clearly see how your work connects to your interests or goals. You are more likely to value your work and be motivated to invest your energy into it. Motivate yourself, don't give up to easily, encourage the best out of yourself.

  • Reason 6. You are unclear about how to get started

Use the "getting things done" approach. This will help break down your complex task into a series of smaller tasks.

  • Reason 7. You often get distracted

Remove any temptation and only think about the task at hand by blocking certain websites or deleting games and some unhelpful apps on your smartphone. You must learn to focus/concentrate on what's important and limit distractions to as low as possible.

  • Reason 8. You know the task will require effort and hard work

Working on a long project takes a lot of effort, this often leads people to lose their motivation and choose to set aside their project for a latter time. The amount of effort you put into something depends on the result you get, for an excellent result to be achieved a considerable amount of effort must be put to work and vise versa.

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