Wiki Leaks Releases Alien Interviewed in 1964 - Real or Fake?? Subject was named 'EBE-3'

This video is from MAJ 12 SO EBE 3 12. 9th JUNE 1964 PROJECT NO.220675 :LEAKED by Edward Snowden August 21, 2016 +THIS VIDEO CAN'T BE DEBUNKED+ :audio works best with a laptop computer:

UFO / ET DISCLOSURE "Disclosure" is the name given to the announcement by various world governmental leaders that we are not alone in the universe and that, in fact, many races of galactic beings are here around this planet and have been for some time.

They are here on peaceful missions, a fact which governments have generally kept hidden from their people until very recently. Disclosure ends the period of secrecy that extends back to at least 1947 and probably much earlier.

The practice of denying that ET UFOs or spacecraft exist has been a policy followed by most governments for varying reasons, some laudable, most unfortunately not.

The era in which the existence of other civilizations technologically and spiritually more evolved than ours has been denied is now ending and a new era of galactic contact and cooperation is beginning.

Video from Raw Vegan Preneur on YouTube:
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