Watch This Movie if You Really Care About the Health & Well-Being Of You and Your Family

For those who are open-minded and looking to inform yourself on the dangers of genetically modified organisms, please watch this movie! It's a very informative and eye opening movie called CONSUMED. I watched it this week and it was great to watch. It's about a mother who discovers that genetically modified organisms are the reason to her sons illness.

This film exposes the truth about Monsanto, explaining their patent on their seeds; explains what GMOs are and how cross pollination is a big issue with organic farmers. This is very eye opening and a must watch. It's free to watch on Netflix and it's a film, not a documentary. I think the director had a good eye on how to really Expose these gobies while informing the public on the dangers of GMOs.

Please, take an hour of your time to watch this film. You vote with your wallet. Make a conscious choice and don't feed your children GMOs. Please educate yourself parents and choose wisely. If you love your children and I know you do, plead make an informed decision and feed them only organic and certified gmo free food verified by the project and most importantly: DO YOUR RESEARCH AND QUESTION EVERYTHING!!

Visit, to learn more about this film.


Thank you for sharing. More people need to be aware of this crime.

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