I am you, you are us. We are fighting and saying English is easy

in #education6 years ago

Each lesson has a different level of difficulty, especially English. English is an International language, even as a means of communication between countries. No wonder, in the world of education we learn English. Since elementary school (SD) to bench there are always English subjects. In a global era like this, the more progress and progress of each country. Starting from the trade and some foreign-owned companies, which the use of English becomes very important for us to master. But everyone just says English is difficult, dizzy, unimportant and strange. Based on interviews conducted by the author about English are:
Riyan Setiawan said "English is difficult and difficult to understand because in elementary school (SD) to high school (SMA) English teachers in the process of teaching and learning (KBM) is always monotonous and boring" and so does Rizqy Mahrozan say "English is difficult but there is nothing difficult just us who say difficult".


Why is English so difficult for students? Ahmadi and Supriyono revealed: "Learning difficulties are a situation where students or students can not learn well, this is not always caused by intelligence factor, but it can also be caused by non-intelligence factor". From the statement can be concluded that learning difficulties can be caused in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. All students have Passion (love) in the lesson, for example the students whose passion in the field of counting he will take math lessons seriously despite the heavy pressure in the learning process. Unlike the lessons that are not passionnya when there is heavy pressure that there is saturation and not interest to learn the lesson. Riyan brother means the process of why English is difficult because the factor of a teacher in delivery is less interesting and less happy. Submission of English lessons from elementary to high school is the same, which is the process of learning only reading (reading), writing (writing), listening (listening) and speaking (speaking). Not left behind with very difficult tasks at the end of each lesson. Will students be able to develop by such methods? whether students are saturated or not? of course yes, how can the process of teaching from elementary to high school the same no change, consequently a student will not master the English lesson.

The above description should be a field of inspiration, innovation and creativity for all teachers, especially English teachers in the teaching process. Why? when the number of elementary school graduates, junior high school, high school until the lecture was still a lot of students who do not understand English.

From the various descriptions above, will a teacher be silent and continue the same learning method? obviously not, should the method of delivery that can make a student not bored and saturated, examples of discussion, games and quis in the class, this will be more interesting and class harmony will be created. Furthermore, if a student is still not proficient in learning English and in UTS / UAS it is the ugly value that should be the introspection of a teacher. Observe, investigate and be careful in addressing these students, there may be inhibiting factors in the learning process or whether in the process of delivering the wrong. This is where a teacher is required to be a creative teacher. Then, what should be changed? the first thing a teacher should do is to teach wholeheartedly by giving a humorous and cheerful impression in the classroom. Such impression will make students feel comfortable and enthusiastic in learning English. Then the next step is to maximize the role of a "CREATIVE" teacher. Creative is the ability to think that aims to solve a condition or problem intelligently, to bring the right results and useful. "CREATIVE" not only understands the creative word, but "CREATIVE" stands for Communicative, Embrace, Explore, Active, Purpose, Innovation and Family. The term is an English teacher must have in the classroom. Understanding CREATIVE words include:

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Communicative. A teacher must be a communicative teacher. Communicative is needed in learning which a teacher should be able to explain well and easily understood by students. Example in the listening case of a teacher do not just speak in front of the board and the students just listen, but try using visual methods (Picture, Video, Audio). Siswapun will more easily understand with such visual methods.

• Embrace. Although a teacher is creative in mastering the class, but embracing the student is very important especially the students who can not follow well because there are external factors that hinder it. This is where a teacher plays an important role.
• Explore. A teacher should be able to investigate the problem of the students why it is difficult to understand.
• Active. Teachers are active teachers who are only rigidly stuck and who cling to the existing teaching materials. That is, the teacher must have a learning style that makes students understand the lesson being taught.

• Aim. A teacher must know the true purpose of being a teacher. A teacher has a teaching assignment. Dr. Nana Sudjana revealed "teaching is guiding students how to learn. Teaching means to organize and create the conditions that exist in the environment so that students can do learning activities ". From these statements can be concluded that the goal of pursuing is to convey science and train the mindset of students.

• Innovation. Changing a condition or an inadequate learning atmosphere for the better. It is hoped with innovation that teacher teachers as direct innovators in the classroom can bring a conducive and effective situation.
• Family. This is what matters most to a teacher in which the role of a teacher must assume his students are family. when a teacher thinks all the students are the family will create humorous, cheerful and fun in learning because there is no doubt and awkwardness in learning.!

By creating a conducive, effective and intelligent student class, an English teacher must be a "CREATIVE" teacher. "CREATIVE" meant for teachers to create a fun learning and teaching atmosphere so that students focus their attention fully. Active and fun is not enough if the learning process is not effective, that does not produce what should be mastered by students after the learning process is completed, because learning has a goal to be achieved. Learning methods originating from reading, writing (writting), listening and speaking are converted into listening, speaking, reading (writing), writing (writting) and games (games ). Not until there, the meaning of "CREATIVE" must be understood, a teacher must make "I am you, you are us. We are fighting and saying English is easy! "

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