
Basically when Christianism redefined everything they changed the value of the latin feriae that were pagan festivities and started to use feria secunda (monday) to feria sexta (friday) because every day was and it’s still associated to the festivity of a Saint, they picked that terminology to get rid of any form of ancient paganism.

I see. Thanks for the explanation :>)

I have like the same kind of language background as you have from dutch background, and I am in Germany now trying to improve my German skills.

It is amazing how useful this is have this background.Last year when I was speaking a lot of spanish at my work i could easily fall back to some many things i already knew.

good going for you there trying to improve!kudos!

Yes it is definitely an advantage.

Thanks for stopping by and I wish you well with your move to/ change to a life in Germany. It must be quite a contrast with the island life, but, then again, the main thing is that you stay close to yourself.

Groetjes uit Portugal,


Never knew Portugese was more similar to French.
The beginning is always the hardest, the shyness and the inability to communicate the most basic sentences. Then it all becomes automatic.

A thing that really does magic for language learning is "the pimsleur method" though you would kinda have to find out where to get it ;) Or just do as you have and your linguistic mind will carry you. Just push through that barrier dude, it's inspiring and makes me want to polish up on my French, Spanish and(nonexistant) Hungarian before the festival circuit starts. Cheers <3

Every word is like a little world! I love languages for this reason, but also get lazy with them after I get to the point where I can have deep conversations with a little effort.

Making good habits for yourself is more important than the actual environment. You can make a good environment through the internet if you ind the right language partners films and books. On the other hand, I know plenty of “ex-pats” who go overseas and find themselves surrounded by other ex-pats and either speak their own language or English....useless. When people tell me he foreigners like so and so a place,I don’t go. When I make a foreign friend and I’m still trying to learn the language, I basically treat them a similar a partner to go out and explore and make local friends with.

I really admire multilingual people. Espero que un dia hablar espanol.

You can admire yourself already. You speak Turkish and English or do you consider multilingual more than two languages? ;>)

Saudades de Portugal,


Never thought of myself as multilingual. Turkish is my native language and English is a must. But yeah, you are right, I guess.

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