Wondering If The Poisoned Russian 'Spy' In UK Was Really Hit By Russia? Test My Open Source Process For Reliably Discovering Truth. Works On All Claims Made By Gov/Science/Religion/Teachers + All Other Forms of Assumed 'Authority'.

in #education7 years ago (edited)

As someone who has been trained at degree level to solve practical, real world challenges and make systems in response to the proposed solution - I often find I can see right through the poorly thought out and illogical, massive lies told daily to the world by mainstream media and governments. My regular readers will often hear me commenting why the day's 'news' is nothing more then propaganda and fraud. I thought I would record/share here a simple process for figuring out whether claims are founded on reliable foundations or not.

truth serum

This really isn't complicated, the basic process for uncovering truth and facts has remained unchanged for aeons and really only gets abused when people deliberately want to hide the truth or maybe when they are just lazy or confused. The thread that ties all these points of failure together is DENIAL. We can deny reality deliberately or accidentally, but whenever we do so, we invite error.

I have noticed that the more I have questioned EVERYTHING and found many hidden denials which have become accepted as alleged 'facts of life' (when they are actually errors) - the more people will judge that I am an 'idiot' or something similar. However, when I show them why their cherished beliefs are exactly that, just beliefs - and not facts - they typically fall silent, use ad hominem attack or sometimes actually integrate what has been said and thanks me as a result. I am not saying 'I know best, everyone should listen to me' - I am just saying that I CONSTANTLY question just about everything that can be questioned and so I hold a lot of understandings and observations that most people have never even come close to considering.

It is very sad for me to have to constantly hear the talking heads in the media blathering on about economics, science and morality when they typically haven't even begun to address the most important questions in life that all else must come from.

Anyway.. Here's my handy flow chart for fact checking and getting a mental workout at the same time.

Let's say you hear a 'news anchor' claim that 'country x has killed person y and now country b must use sanctions and get tough with country x' (sounds familiar) - there appears to be an absence of evidence (as with the Iraq war when war criminals Tony B-Liar and Geo-ogre Bush decided to kill millions and get rich while hiring a PR company to invent false evidence to back them up) - yet the 'voices of authority' are telling you yet again that you should be angry and definitely should think about sending your children off to kill some people for them.

Now you can apply this simple diagram to find out whether you are being exploited and deceived or not. I suggest printing it out, framing it and hanging it over any TV you might come across.

Schematic For Process Of Revealing Truth.png


Recently the UK government has claimed they are sure that the Russian government was responsible for the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, using a nerve agent allegedly only made in Russia. As the Russian government rightly pointed out it is appropriate to send them a sample of the toxin to allow them to do their own investigation, yet that has not occurred as far as I am aware. In any case, the point is that the UK government, as with the war in Iraq, has magically concluded criminal responsibility falls at a particular group - but does their claim stand up to the truth diagram?

It only takes seconds to show that, no, their claims are not reliable. Why? They have claimed that the toxin is only manufactured in Russia - yet the the poison specialists in Porton Down (just a few miles from the site of the poisoning by the way) MUST have had the formula and ability to make the toxin or how could they identify it? A Russian scientist has publicly reminded us that he worked on inventing the particular toxin and actually published the recipe in a book years ago! So the claim that only Russia could have created the toxin is clearly doubtful and clearly is a massive red flag to raise suspicion that YET AGAIN the UK government is involved in trying to stir up tension and conflict.

I think we should apply the truth finding diagram to the question of "Are the alleged british government, really the british government?" - because a lot of evidence shows their behaviour to be treacherous and dangerous to the wellbeing of Britain and the world as a whole.

Comments welcome!

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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Excellent article as ever Ura. You are quite correct in my view, and the fact that the British establishment is pushing this right now should be of concern to everyone. This is not simply pushing tension and conflict towards a middling Middle East dictatorship – it is further exacerbating tensions with the second most heavily armed nation on the planet. In my view this is a clear Deep State operation – and I mean the global Deep State – and I believe it is likely serving a variety of functions; including distraction, attempting to prop up the failing May government, and bolstering the failing anti-Russia narrative that seems the only thread preventing the US Deep State from collapsing under the weight of the Trump administration’s methodical assault on them. These are dangerous, unique times – and this seems an act of desperation on the part of a dying cabal. You are right to call it out, and for me such desperation tells me we should pay close attention, and yet remain cautiously optimistic concerning what may follow.

Thanks and thanks for your comment. The madness knows almost no bounds - remain vigilant!

This is Majic with a capital J Son! Good Man!
Highly rEsteemed!

Screen Shot 2018-03-17 at 8.31.58 PM.png

Thanks for this mind opener @ura-soul, you've opened my mind to what I never knew, sincerely, I never reasoned towards that angle, I have mixed feelings about the whole issue and perceived it as mere press propaganda. In recent times, the media/press has done more harm than good in so many aspects. News get published without getting facts. Thanks for taking me through another mind training process too. Who administered the so called Russian Toxins? Where and How? are the questions left in my mind unanswered.

you are welcome! thanks for paying attention.

Your work is really appreciable because there are really less people who really deep dive into the news to understand the truth and it's really important because nowadays in my opinion media is working as per agenda and the real truth sometimes get sidetrack. Thanks for sharing and keep doing good work. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

I don't think governments work for the people, they just work for themselves, they even try to show and let people believe what they want to, there isn't democracy anymore, what is left is dictatorship

very good enlightenment you get it right, post that really deserve to be in referring.

It's great to see the whole video you have given and your post is very good

Your post looked very good,

good post, give me inspiration


I think it was obviously Russia. The poison was Soviet made. He was a former Russian spy, he must have a lot of dirt on some powerful people in Russia. Tgey decided to get rid of him. End of story.

So the fact that the evidence is being presented by a government group with a proven track record of faking evidence to start wars is irrelevant to you? The fact that the recipe for the toxin is public domain and must have been in the hands of the british scientists for them to idenitify it and yet they claim only Russia has the recipe is totally logical to you?

The same can be said about the Russians + they probably had more incentive to get rid of him.

I imagine that Russia has been involved in treacherous faking of evidence, just as Britain and America has been, yes. However, the point here is that the people claiming that they 'know' that russia was behind the attack have a track record of literally starting wars based on lies that they have deliberately created to make other nations look bad. They have specifically not followed correct protocol and so it's like a bad dream stuck on repeat.. They lie, people blindly trust them, wars happen.. Rinse and Repeat.

Yes, it is clearly possible for the Russian mafia government to be behind the attempted murder - but to blindly state that we KNOW this was the case, given the circumstances, is foolish.

Those in the west who orgasm at the thought of millions dying in wars they start (and get paid for as a result of the involvement of major weapons companies) have plenty of motive to cause such events and pin the blame on others.

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