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RE: Is Our Education System Teaching Us Anything of Real Value?

in #education7 years ago

this is a really good post. i think there are a lot of problems with education, and this just skims the surface. test scores, lack if diverse curriculum, lack of money. at this point kids would do better homeschooling, or going to a free thought/independent school where kids control what they learn.
the one thing that should be in schools from an early age and is not is critical thinking, reading and writing. instead we were drilled with history (but only US, and only the good parts, not the parts Howard Zinn writes of in
'A People's History of the US'

We are turning out a country of illiterate, misinformed, flag waving conformists that have been sold the American Dream they can no longer afford. The average worker and his wife can barely afford to buy a house without going into deep debt, making them virtual slaves to our economic system. and beyond all that, school is more about fitting in and peer pressure than learning. Its a vast and endless subject, and well worth exploring more.


Thank you @torico not only for the upvote and resteem but also for the very thoughtful comment. :c) This is precisely the level of commentary that I hoped to inspire - the kind that serves to further mull and further inform.

From your comment (and your profile location) I surmise that all parts of your perspective are US-centric in talking about this topic.

Yes, the US situation in general does seem to be pretty appaling from what I've heard. There are good educational institutions but theyare far more costly - and within that context the main alternative that delivers a half-decent education is indeed homeschooling.

The US situation adds insult to injury. Never mind the average worker and her husband barely being able to afford to buy some kind of residence without being saddled with crippling debt - the same is true for students wishing to finish with anything more than mandatory education within the public school system.

Further insult comes in the form of a clear disparity in priorities.

As per the national spending within the US for 2017 compares as follows:

  • $0,094.6 Billion - Education
  • $0,543.0 Billion - "National Defense"
  • $1,330.0 Billion - Social Security, Unemployment & Labour.

Without saying anything more about it I am sure that somebody will be able to spot at least one problem with these figures.

And yes - history is a weapon... which is why governments insist upon feeding it to impressionable kids with limited capacity to question their elders.

Thank you again for the great comment @torico. :c)

my pleasure. i saw two posts on education tonight and yours was by far the better of the two, but will probably wind up with the lesser amount of attention. i try to vote for what matters.

Thank you @torico.

I consider that to be very heartening overall. ^_^

As for having the lesser attention - eh well I probably have a much smaller following than the author of the other article. :c) Hopefully with time and effort my follower numbers shall improve. ^_^

Thanks again!

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