Using technology to reach those on the Spectrum

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Technology is being used to reach and unlock those on the spectrum

I understood early on that technology would be a tool to reach my son once he was injured. It has help in more ways than one. Not only did it give him a way to communicate when he couldn't get the words out, it also allowed us to help keep him educationally up with his peers and in many subjects surpassing them. He was regressing in skills attending public school and I was not going to let him suffer while fighting for an IEP to be enforced.

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There were many reasons I chose to home school my children and his needs was a big part of that decision. I am glad I did because public schools still after all this time are not set up to educate those on the spectrum. Not only have I seen technology work for my own child. I have seen it work for other children also. Currently a cousin of mine has recently pulled her child from public school and is using technology to reach her daughter. And it is working, her vocabulary is improving, as is her speech, she is doing things she couldn't do before like going to the grocery store. Before she would have melt downs, now she is helping do the shopping. All because learning how to use technology allows communication of what is going on when they can't get the words out.

It can be slow at first to teach a child on the spectrum to use technology but it is totally worth investing the time to help unlock them.

Here are some online resources that are designed for the Autistic Child.

You can also find a ton more resources at the following links

I believe every child on the spectrum can be unlocked. For those on the higher end of the spectrum unlocking them with technology is easier. But even the children on the lower end of the spectrum can be unlocked using technology. I have witness it with my own eyes. And more evidence is being unearth each year to back up my claim.

We can help give those effected with Autism improve their lives and allow many to change their futures and support themselves instead of having to be supported the rest of their lives.

Children on the spectrum can be reached

It does take time and work. But if you are invested because you love that child, when you make that break through all the struggles are totally worth it. It is our responsibility to these children to make sure the proper resources are made available to them. I hope one day I am in a position to do more than just share resources I have gather, but provide the devices for families who can not afford the technology needed to help unlock their child.


mysterious and good enough..
i am pleased
thanks for shareing.

I have an autistic son. What you write resonates with me. As parents we tried to do our best for our children. Your son is very blessed to have you to look after his interest.

I hope some of these resources can help you. I actually have a ton more resources but I don't like to put too many at once up because it becomes over whelming and you know how it is with too much information too quickly. I plan on doing a few more post with resources we have found helpful through the years, including how to do therapy at home, because those co-pays can be a b*tch...

if friend I hope the technology helps these children to leave those worlds in which they are and remember that faith in God can also touch you must pray friend.

Thanks for sharing
Pls follow and upvote me @chideramalachy

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