Graphene: A ‘Miracle’ Material, Super CPU and Batteries ?

in #education7 years ago

So i was browsing the web last night and came across this material called Graphene and the properties of this substance are quite amazing , its conducts electricity 140 times more than copper and silicon and if implemented into a battery can charge to full power in under 12 minutes .

Now the point i'm trying to make here is that the honeycomb structure is remarkably similar to that of silicone which as you may or may not no is what's in CPU's in your pc's are made of , Now many years ago this material used to be very expensive but over the years the production rate has increased dramatically , hence it has become much cheaper .

So you might be thinking if this material is so fast why haven't they made a super processor , well the thing is although its is very fast at massive fluid electrical conductivity (which is excellent for battery's) Unfortunately it is rubbish at holding data (Binary) because of a thing called a 'Band Gap' (Picture below) When a transistor is in the (on state) it registers as a (1) and when in an (off state), it registers as (0). A superconductor would be unable to 'switch off' because the difference between (on) and (off) the voltages are so small (Because of the tiny band Gap).

So for the time being it looks like its mainly going to be incorporated into batteries , Samsung seem to be already putting this into development so your Mobile Phones and Electric Cars can charge 5x Faster than regular batteries.

But i seriously doubt that's the end of the story for trying to get it into modern day computers because it has amazing properties that could be used for other area's .


Graphene will start a new revolution in the electronics.

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