How To Learn Calculus A Guide For Beginners

in #education2 years ago

Many people find calculus intimidating. Many students fear taking their first calculus class. Others might be afraid of the idea of learning it.

Did you know that calculus is a powerful tool? This branch of mathematics has become one of the most popular and important in the world. It allows us to understand and optimize change in real-world situations.

Youtube and TikTok, for example, use calculus in their algorithms to decide which video should be shown next.

FedEx and UPS also use optimization strategies to ensure that your shipments arrive on time. Hedge funds study stock market behavior, i.e. how they change over time.

It doesn't matter if you are doing it for school, work, or just because you love learning about the world around us. I believe anyone can learn calculus as long as they have the right tools and resources.

So where do I start?

You will need some essential tools if you are going to study calculus this semester.

A graphing calculator is the first thing you will need. It is essential for any type of math. But it is especially crucial in calculus class. My personal favorite is the TI89. If your professor does not allow you to use the 89, then you can use a TI-84-5 or computer software such as Mathematica.

Next, you will need a Textbook . You can also grab the syllabus if you are already enrolled in a class.

If you are learning by yourself or need additional resources, I recommend a James Stewart Calculus text (any edition). It's the most popular calculus text and includes great examples and practice problems.

Finally, to make the most of your learning experience, you should always have someone who can help you, preferably in person. If that is not possible, there are many great online calculus videos.

What is the time frame?

The time it takes to reach your goals will depend on what reason you are learning calculus. If you are looking to get a solid understanding of calculus so you can take on more challenging courses, you should start by learning the basics. Minimum of four to six months. Look here

Remember that everyone learns at a different pace and with different learning styles. Do not get discouraged if something isn't clear right away. Take a step back and review the material again.

What is the Big Picture of Calculus?

This course makes all of your math classes seem more logical -- perhaps for the first time.

Calculus is more than just a tool to explain the relationships between algebra, geometry and trigonometry. It also helps you understand real-world phenomena.

For example, in Algebra, we learned...

  • How to solve equations and formulae.
  • Graph a line using the coordinate plane.
  • Also, understand slope as the rate at which things change.

Plotting Points And Graphing A Line

Geometry taught us how to calculate side lengths and areas in regions and solids using formulas such as the Pythagorean Theorem.

Pythagorean Formula

Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between angles, side lengths, and sides in a triangle. This helps us to explain distance around the unit circle and rotation.

We also saw how trigonometric properties and identities helped us to describe motion and wave along with vector projection.

Unit Circle with Special Right Triangles

Did you know that calculus can be used to explain slope, area and trigonometric ratios? Calculus is what binds all these amazing ideas and topics together.

It's true!

Calculus may be able to explain why we have the skills that we have in our previous courses. But, we might want to know more about it.

So there are only three main topics in calculus.

This may be surprising to you, as most people believe Calculus is a daunting and complex course. It's really a study in limits and derivatives.

Let's take a quick glance at each to get a better understanding of Calculus.

The Limit

Limits are the idea of being close to something. What is the y value approaching as we get closer to a value on the x-axis?

We can say that f(x), the limit of a function is x if x approaches some value A, provided we get sufficiently close from both sides to a without actually equaling A, then f(x), can be as close as L.

What is the significance of this notion of closeness?

Because limits allow us to examine functions without needing to be defined, they can also help us analyze asymptotes continuity and tangent lines and many other things.

If you are a curious person, I have an introduction video to graphically identifying limits.

The derivative

A derivative measures the change of a function in relation to a variable. It determines the slope or rate of change of a function.

But didn't we learn about slope in Algebra?

But we learned only about the slope of a line that is constant and never changes. What about all the curves out there?

Take a look at it.

Driving to school or to the store will tell you the road curves and changes, so it must be possible to measure these.

The derivative can be described as finding the slope or tangent line to a curve at point. It helps us to explain things like velocity, acceleration, speed, distance, and speed. Differentiation is how things change over time.

We can also use our skills to determine the volume and area of basic geometric shapes like rectangles and trapezoids so that we can find the volume and area of complex or unusually shaped areas.

Estimating Area Under A Curve Riemann Sum

Integration also allows us to measure distance and displacement.

This is how it works. The rate of change in a time interval is what differentiation does. This helps us to understand velocity, acceleration, and speed. Integration does the opposite. It calculates the distance traveled.

These are the fundamental ideas of calculus.

You will gain a greater understanding of the subject as you continue your studies. All of the concepts you will learn about calculus fall under these umbrellas.

Learning Calculus: Some Mistakes

Since I have been teaching calculus for more than 15 years, I know how difficult it can be to master. If I could talk to my past self, and share some of the lessons I've learned along the journey, this would be what I would say.

  1. Never Give Up, Even when It's Hard.

Calculus success is only possible if you are determined. Yes, you will have to face difficult times. You will struggle from time-to-time. However, struggling isn't a sign that you are weak -- it's a sign that you are participating in a worthy fight.

Practice and perseverance are essential to any endeavor. To make the concepts stick, you must practice them and be persistent enough to keep trying.

Calculus is not something you can learn in a matter of hours. It takes persistence and daily effort. It can be difficult to learn something new, but do not lose heart. Keep trying.

Don't get into this mess!

  1. Search for the Right Resources.

Do not feel isolated. If you know where to search, there is help.

Your math book is the first thing you should look at. You probably only used your math textbook in high school to solve the exercises at the end. This is not enough. It is essential that you embrace your math textbook and read the sections. Then, work through the examples.

Find a Study group . Learning can be made more fun by having someone to ask questions, help with homework, or just to bounce ideas around.

Don't forget to use the online resources that will help you understand those difficult concepts...

It can be a huge help to watch a video, see someone explain a concept or theorem, and then you can go through the problem yourself.

Getting Help At The Campus Tutoring Center

  1. It's not the Calculus that gets you. It's The Algebra.

Calculus is the most difficult level of math you will ever learn. It's possible to forget all the skills you have learned along your journey.

Don't be afraid. You won't need to take too long to recover and forget all of your mistakes.

What kind of algebra skills do you need?

Fractions & Factoring

I know that you are smiling and rolling your eyes but listen to me.

Calculus will require you to be able to simplify expressions continuously. The biggest challenge students face is learning how to simplify fractions and factors.

All skills required in calculus include the ability to factor or reduce fractions, calculate common denominators using polynomials, and solve polynomial equations with factoring or radicals.

It's simple, just think about it. Calculus can be difficult by itself. You don't have to spend your brain power trying to figure out how to simplify complex fractions when you could be focusing on how you integrate. It will help you stand out from your peers if you review your basics.

  1. It's crucial to know your functions!

Calculus is dominated by functions. Not only will you need to be able to solve different functions, but you will also need to be able to determine their domain and range.

Wait! Wait! What kind of functions are we referring to?

Functions are relations where each input is connected to only one output. To determine if a graph is a function, we used the vertical line test. We found that there was only one y value for every domain (domain). Follow web for more

These concepts can be saved a lot of time and frustration. Calculus is the study and analysis of how functions change. You must know your functions to be able to use calculus effectively.

Calculus can be a rewarding subject. You can avoid common pitfalls and succeed by learning the basics, reviewing your algebra and finding a study group.

Last Thoughts

Anyone who has ever had to read challenging books like Plato's Republic or the Illiad knows that it can be difficult at times. The understanding and insights that you will gain are unmatched if you persevere. You now have some serious bragging right.

Learning calculus is the same. Although it is not easy, the many benefits that you will receive when you master calculus are unparalleled. You will see things that are not visible to most people.


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