Reviewing And Analyzing 20 Factors In The Paradigm Shift Towards Freedom And Free Energy - Factor 6

in #education5 years ago (edited)

This is part six of a twenty part series.

Mark Passio recently did WOEIH podcast number 219 titled “Tesla And Humanity’s Missing Paradigm Shift Revisited”.

During the presentation, two graphics that he used were two lists.  Each list contains ten details of what the paradigm shift is, for a total of twenty.  

This is the sixth installment as I go through that information, one by one.

6.  Exercise of true Discernment and Judgement

Being able to judge truth from lies is essential to being free.  If one doesn’t know that they’re being conned, then they will always be at the mercy of the con man.

Methods for finding truth exist that can be used to help each individual discern truth from lies.  One of them is The Trivium.  Entire books could be written on the subject of The Trivium, so I won’t attempt to do it justice here.  I’ll simply invite the reader to start researching it and learning it.  A good place to start is: 

Another method for finding truth is through negation, a method called apophasis.  In simple terms, it is the process of elimination. 

On a personal level, many years ago, I was terrible at taking things at face value and believing the lies of government, mainstream media, etc.  I’ve come a long way since then, and now have far superior discernment than before.  There is still much room for improvement, but I’ve come a long way.  

What about humanity as a whole? 

How many people even know what The Trivium is? 

How many people know that human authority is an illusion? 

On a more basic level, it’s unbelievable that a large segment of the population can take the “official” 9/11 story at face value.  Or that so many people take vaccines without knowing what’s in them.  

This is proof that humanity is still very far from being free, and is thus very far from free energy evolution.  

Part 7 Coming Soon!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from Mark Passio's 

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