AGENDA 21: A Translation (NEW SERIES)

in #education7 years ago (edited)

The aim of this new project is to translate the bureaucratese of Agenda 21 into more accurate and clear language.

Before beginning, some of you might be wondering, what the heck is Agenda 21?

According to wikipedia, Agenda 21 is....

Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.

In reality, it's a part of a plan by the ruling occultocracy to further consolidate their control over the planet's resources and the human race.

So, with that warm and fuzzy thought in our minds, let's start hacking into Agenda 21.

Because Agenda 21 is well over 300 pages in length, I have decided not to tackle that whole beast at this time.  I'll start with a summary of the implementation of Agenda 21, which was published in 2002 by the United Nations.

My translations are in bold and italics.

Source document is from

The National Implementation of Agenda 21: A Summary provides an overview of the gene- ral status of national implementation of Agenda 21, based upon the national reports and 2002 Country Profiles submitted by Governments to the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). The report in its entirety (approximately 300 pages), complete with tables and charts, is available on the National Information web page of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development website at the following address:  This published version provides an illustrative summary of a selection of both sectoral and cross-sectoral issues, which are among those being discussed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002.

Translation: The Authoritarian Implementation of A Technocratic Nightmare: A Summary provides an overview of tax farm implementation of Agenda 21, based upon the violently controlled geographic area reports and 2002 tax farm profiles submitted by violent mind-control organizations to the Commission on Destroying Development.  The report, complete with made up statistics, is available on the Tax Farm Information web page of the United Psychopathic Charlatans Destruction of Development website.  This version provides a summary of everything we’re trying to control and destroy, which were discussed by authoritarians at a big expensive shindig, paid for by tax slaves, in South Africa in 2002.    

The National Implementation report was prepared by the National Information Analysis Unit in the Division for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA). Since 1993, this Unit has analyzed and maintained national reports submitted to the CSD by Governments through their designated National Focal Points, and 1997 and 2002 Country Profiles prepare for the Earth Summit +5 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development, respectively.  The Unit is in the process of developing a web-enabled database on national implementation which will, when completed, significantly facilitate interaction between the UN Secretariat and the National Focal Points in requesting and submitting future national reports, as well as provide better service to world-wide users for searching and retrieving specific information.

Translation:  The Tax Farm Implementation report was prepared by countless bureaucrats at an agency with a ridiculously long acronym.  Since 1993, these tools have analyzed fraudulent numbers cooked up by other bureaucrats and pseudo-scientists submitted to the CSD by violent mind-control organizations through their designated National Coercion Points.  This helps us prepare for the next phase of resource dominance at another tax slave funded dinner party.  Useful idiots are in the process of developing a database on tax farm implementation which will facilitate interaction between a high ranking scientific dictator and the National Coercion Points in requesting and submitting more cooked numbers.    

If you’d like to read Agenda 21 in its entirety…. 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Top image is from wikimedia commons.



The progressives are progressing with their process of control. Always furthering their 'agenda'. @ironshield

Great post! These controllers need to be removed from power, one way or another. And they stole my map and tried to pass it off as some masonic symbol.

Thanks. Cheers!

Nice one as always, keep putting the truth out there!

Thanks a bunch. Will do!

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