Agenda 21: A Translation – Finding Dark Humor And Truth In The Abyss Of Bloated Bureaucratese (Part 15)

in #education7 years ago

The aim of this project is to translate the bureaucratese of Agenda 21 into more accurate and clear language.

The original UN document is from 

My translations are in bold and italics.

ENERGY (Agenda 21 - Derived from Chapter 4)


1. Coordinating Body on Energy 

The primarily administrative and coordinating body at the national level is the Ministry of Energy. However, Energy is often dealt with under a wide range of different Ministries, such as Environment, Forestry, Industry, and Natural Resources.

Translation: Totalitarian Diktats

1.  Wasteful And Hypocritical Bureaucracy on Energy 

The primarily parasitic and dictatorial body at the wage slave farm level is the Ministry of Energy.  However, energy is also violently controlled under a wide range of other parasitic organizations.

2-5. Participation of Major Groups in Decision-Making with particular reference to: Scientific Community; Business and Industry; Women; and, NGOs (environmental NGOs and consumer groups, etc.).

Translation:  Illusory Participation of Groups in Decision-Making with particular reference to:  Scientists outside a small grant-supported clique, Entrepreneurs and Innovators, Female Peasants, and Real Charities. 

Programmes & Projects 

6. Recycling Programme 

Agenda 21 calls for changing unsustainable consumption and encourages efficient use of resources consistent with the goal of minimizing depletion and reducing pollution. Such measures include recycling aimed at reducing the generation of wastes.

Translation:  Recycling Farce

Agenda 21 calls for reducing the resource use by tax slaves and encourages a choke-hold on resources consistent with the goal of a complete monopoly by a small clique of psychopaths.  Such measures include coercing tax slaves to divide their trash so the handful of corporations that get the fat recycling contracts don’t have to pay people to do it.     

7. Manufacturing-Efficiency Programme 

The objectives of this programme are to extend the provision of more efficient use of energy and materials in manufacturing to reduce negative impacts of energy production, wastes and pollution as well as contribute to greater economic and industrial productivity and competitiveness through: recycling in industrial processes; and, the sound use of new and renewable sources of energy (4.18).

Translation:  Manufacturing Centralization Programme 

The objectives of this programme are to pass mountains of laws that favor giant manufacturers while reducing the ability of entrepreneurs to compete.  This allows the corporatocracy greater economic clout, controls the future of energy sources, and sets up a new pay to pollute carbon market scam.    

8. Energy Supply Programme for Rural Areas 

Chapter 14 of Agenda 21 insists that the attainment of sustainable rural development is initially linked with energy demand and supply patterns, requesting States to: increase the energy inputs available for rural household and agro-industrial needs; and, initiate and promote rural energy programmes supported by technical training, banking and related infrastructure.

Translation:  Energy Reduction Programme for Off-Grid Individuals

Chapter 14 of Agenda 21 insists that getting people off the land and dependent on the globalized slave grid is initially linked with energy monopoly creation, requesting mind-controlled authoritarian groups to systematically destroy off-grid living opportunities.    

Stay tuned for part 16!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikimedia commons 



LOL, good one... Seems like you are on to something here, keep up the good interpretations of UN Agenda 21 policy. Sometimes the truth hurts but needs to be said.

Thanks very much. Yes, truth needs to be said and dealt with. Steem on.

Nice one, good old agenda 21 hah! Humor and some truth makes for a good reading :)


Great job..😉😊

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