Agenda 21: A Translation – Finding Dark Humor And Truth In The Abyss Of Bloated Bureaucratese (Part 12)

in #education7 years ago

The aim of this project is to translate the bureaucratese of Agenda 21 into more accurate and clear language.

The original UN document is from 

My translations are in bold and italics.


1. National Coordinating Body on Sustainable Development

Governments are required to improve or reshape the processes of decision-making in order to achieve the progressive integration of economic, social and environmental issues in the pursuit of development that is economically efficient, socially equitable and responsible, and environmentally sound (8.4). Some countries have established their National Commission/Council on Sustainable Development (NCSD) or commission/council with similar names as the primary coordinating body on sustainable development at the national level.

Translation:  Authoritarian Diktats

National Soviet on Austerity Development 

Institutions of systematic violence are required to streamline the processes of diktat creation in order to achieve centralization of economic, social-engineering, and resource dominance issues in the pursuit of stagnation that is economically deficient, communist, and irresponsible, and environmentally unsound.  Some wage slave farms have established their National Soviet on Austerity Development with similar long-winded names as the primary authoritarian gang on austerity development at the tax slave farm level.    

2. Equivalent Coordinating Body to NCSD 

The key national coordinating mechanism for Agenda 21/Sustainable Development (SD) is not always a NCSD but often falls under other national bodies/committies/council, e.g. National Environment Protection Council.

Translation:  Another Totalitarian Gang and our zillionth acronym 

The key wage slave farm dictatorial tool for Agenda 21/Austerity Development is not always a useless acronym but often falls under a different parasitic bureaucracy with a  much more long-winded acronym.

3. Participation of Major Groups in NCSD 

Agenda 21 (Chapter 23 – Chapter 32) affirms that one of the fundamental prerequisites for the achievement of SD is broad public participation in decision-making, focusing on the roles of major groups: Women; Children and Youth; Indigenous People and their Communities; NGOs; Local Authorities; Workers and Trade Unions; Business and Industry; Scientific and Technological Communities; and Farmers.

Translation:  Illusory Participation of Major Groups in this behemoth organization 

Agenda 21 affirms that one of the fundamental prerequisites for the achievement of austerity is the illusion of participation in decision-making, focusing on the roles of female peasants, wage slaves in training, nearly extinct people we pretend to care about, actual charities that try to do great work, willing dupes on the local level, wage slaves, small business, scientists outside the control of the oligarchy, and serfs who work the land.    

Stay tuned for part 13!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikimedia commons


We must lead people to lead themselves....the way people live their lives is usually due to the stories they’ve told themselves.

I think must are afraid of the personal responsibility of leading their own lives.

Our broken systems are reflections of our collective consciousness.

The only way to heal this is to first heal ourselves individually.

Nice to read a comment with sound knowledge and intellect and well articulated too.
Please keep doing this.

Thanks for that insight. Yes, great points on personal responsibility and starting with the individual. Until people take an honest look at themselves and take responsibility for their actions, then no positive change can occur.

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