How to Write a Quality Dissertation if the Budget is Limited

in #education3 years ago

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A lengthy piece of academic writing centered on original research is known as a dissertation or thesis. A student submits it as part of their undergraduate or postgraduate degree, and the format and structure of the dissertation depend on the student’s field of study. Most science and social science dissertation have an introduction, a literature review, the outlay of the methods used to carry out the research, research results, the discussion of these results, their impact, and a conclusion. The following are the critical elements of a proper dissertation paper.

Title Page

The first page of the dissertation contains all the primary information on the document ad usually includes the title, the student’s name, the type of document, the department, and institution, the student’s academic level, and the submission date. Sometimes it can include the student number, supervisor or lecturer’s name, and university’s emblem.


The abstract summarizes the dissertation. It is usually written once the student has completed other parts of the dissertation. Some students have a hard time breaking down their dissertation for this section; they can get cheap dissertation writing of the highest quality from and find expert writers to assist them. The abstract is the first part of the dissertation that individuals read, so the student must make sure it is correct.

Table of Contents

This section outlines all the chapters, the subheadings, including the page numbers. The reader gets an overview of the dissertation structure to help them navigate easily through the paper. It includes all parts of the document.


The dissertation topic is mainly highlighted in the introduction; it includes the relevance and purpose and generally shows the person reading what they can expect in the dissertation. Everything in this section should be engaging, precise, and relevant to the research.

Literature Review

The literature review is done to have a deep knowledge of the past academic work on the subject. One should coherently summarize the existing studies while showing a clear justification for their research.


This chapter accurately highlights how the researcher conducted the study while enabling the readers to evaluate its legitimacy. It highlights the type of research, data collection methods, scope, data analysis methods, tools used, the challenges, and justification of the methods.


Next, the student reports the results of their study. The report should be relevant to the objectives and set research questions.


The discussion is where the student explores the implication and meaning of the results concerning the study questions. The results must be interpreted in detail while discussing if they met the researcher’s expectations. This section should highlight other scholarly work to show how the results connect with existing knowledge.


The student should wrap up the dissertation to reflect what they did and how they did it. The conclusion should offer recommendations for future practice or research; it should also show how the contribution of the findings to knowledge in that field and why it matters.

Reference List

There should be a detailed list of the sources that have been cited in the study. One should use the proper referencing style according to the supervisor instructions


Writing a dissertation is a challenge that most students do not relish. One needs to be patient and understand that they are reaching the end of their academic life, so the dissertation is a way to finish with a bang. They should handle the project one step at a time. Eventually, they will have finished the most important paper in all their studies.


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