Save The Day: 100 percent effective strategy!

in #education7 years ago (edited)


One of the major problems of the current generation is that they are engaged in so many and different tasks that often it is not possible to get time to do any work. Not only that, these tasks are not available afterwards. The deadline is missing, the odds are deposited.

After all, the new deadline comes again, the work that is not buried under the new job. In such a way, the work that was not done once and again is not done anymore. They do not give them hands in a busy way, they need to run out once they need it.


I had the same time to do the job. I could not find old work in a crowd of work, they would never have been really done. At that time I found a great trick. It is called Time Hack! Since adopting this very common procedure, there was no difficulty in passing the deadline from time to time. All the work done by the Aramas!

This process is to move in a few steps. After completing all the steps, your job is ready before any deadline! Take a look at the steps:

Step 1:

At first you have to make a list on paper. The list and details of the work that will be done on the next day will be listed on the list. This will be done just before going to sleep, because there is less chance of a new job involved.

You may think, what is the benefit of writing in the work list, remember it! The truth is, they do not really remember. Just as there is no reading in the class after two days, it does not remember what happened in the class after two days, so also for the work. That's why all the work names will be specified in the list by specifying the list.

Step 2:

From the beginning of the day, the list must be completed by the beginning of the list. Yes, it is true that if we want to do something other than our own work at the start of the day, someone might want to listen to YouTube, somebody to Facebook. But before doing these, you have to give mind to finish the list. There is no problem when the list is finished, but it is better not to do other things unnecessary before ending.


Step 3:

Finish one task, and then cut them one by one. Yes, you might think that when the work is done then it will remember, what is the need to cut. But after finishing this task, one can win the joy of winning somehow, it will not get anywhere else. So to finish the job will cut all.

Step 4:

Trying to do all the work every day. Yes, you may have a lot of busyness, you can stay busy in something else, but the importance of the list is most important. So try to finish the day's work all day.

Step 5:

It's a normal fact that you will not be able to finish the list every day. If you are stuck due to various diversified reasons, the list is not completed. Then the way?

You can make a list of what you do all day

The way is very simple. On the day when the list is not completed, but the day will be gone, you will write down the missing work on the next day's list! If it is excluded, it will not stop working, the next day will be done!

Step 6:

You can make a list of what you do all day. This will be a benefit; It is possible to double check the list of tasks, whether it has been done or not. It can not be said, if nothing is done unnecessarily, it will be caught in this list!

Step 7:

Humans are not always busy There may be times in life when work pressure is so big that it can not be able to even list. During this time the list has to be increased. A huge list, there will be all the work there. Only then, more work can be done, it will be possible.


Matching time is not very easy. But working on a regular basis is not a problem to finish any work!



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