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RE: You're not Elon Musk – an unschooler's double standard

in #education6 years ago

I found myself doing this last night! "Churchill was home educated too!" I said to my unschooled 10 year old [in a moment of what was a kind of schooliness in itself!] My husband guffawed and pointed out it was because he lived in a huge stately home with tutors. I defended the home education "He could have been sent off to Eton or somewhere at age 7 like so many rich peoples kids, but no, he was home educated. It's still home educated!"

What a ton of bollocks I was talking :-D haha.
We do it to defend our decisions, to reassure ourselves about out decisions, to deflect or dilute or antidote all the times our kids have heard people say that because they don't go to school they must/will be dumb ... all the times an extended family member has surreptitiously tested them on telling the time or telling a times table.
We do it to buffer their self esteem and our self esteem.
Meanwhile, you are right. Neither inside nor outside the system are there any guarantees and people will succeed or fail according to how much they believe they will do one or the other and how much effort they put into it.

Meanwhile, some of them will 'succeed' by having unexceptional and relaxing lives and others will 'succeed' by doing something someone else makes note of.


Exactly, it's extremely comforting to have that buffer, whatever it is - we (humans, not unschoolers :D ) will often grab unto anything that sounds even mildly reassuring, just to think we're not alone, that we are safe.

people will succeed or fail according to how much they believe they will do one or the other and how much effort they put into it.

That is so true, it's all up to you. Whatever you want to get out of life, it all depends on you and a lot of people seem to ignore that, which I really don't get 'cause they're wasting their life. You have to work for it.
We all do.

Ain’t that the truth? 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

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