Author, What is Your Message?

in #education7 years ago

A good writer’s intent is to convey a message or a lesson to his or her readers. The message can be direct or indirect, that is, it can be conveyed through a story where readers learn as a result of the character’s adventures or you can directly address the readers.

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You can write with all professionalism using beautiful sequences and simple language, but if there is no life to the story or if there is nothing for the reader to gain, then the composition is pointless.

What is the intention of your message?

A good article is not merely the thoughts scribbled out by the author on to paper, no, it is compiled with meaning so that it will leave an impression on its readers. The role of an author is to awaken and stir something in a reader. Through writing, one can open the minds of individuals and provoke thoughts and feelings.

With this in mind, my very own message is to remind authors to write cautiously, because your words have so much more power than you realise. No matter how causal your writing is, the words have the ability to make or break a person when they are read. This give authors a huge responsibility!


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