How to stop those unattractive habits on your kid

in #education6 years ago


Even the cutes 6-year-olds kid sometimes engage in ugly and unpleasant personal habits, like hair gnawing or scab picking. According to some pediatricians, these are usually an unconscious way of dealing with stress, nothing to worry about. It is not necessarily a hugely stressful events¡. However, the accumulation of little things that can be challenging, like trying to be good all day long or friendly with every one. Fortunately, these common oddity habits will go away on their own, especially if your reaction is not over the top<

Most of 6 years old kids develop habits like nail biting, nose picking, and shirt gnawing. Although you might think she/he is trying to annoy you, these bad costumes are a way of coping with the daily routine. A 6 years old kid has a busier day now, school, extra curricular activities, play days at some friend’s place, homework and so on. For a little person like them, this is a lot. An article produced by The Common childhood habits, American Academy of Pediatrics pointed out that nagging to stop this, is actually counterproductive. It only draws negative attention to the habit, making your child more nervous and attached to it.

Tips to stop this impolite habits

  1. The Academy of Pediatrician strongly recommends parents not to just ignore it but talk about it in a casual way , without making criticism and without giving it great importance.
  2. Find out why he does it , ask him whether he has noticed it or not what he is doing when he does it more often and talk about the possible risk of this bad habits offering rational reasons for stopping. For example, if you are constantly picking your nails, even if they look clean, you might end up with an infection in your mouth and that infection could hurt." Or I do not think is a good idea to keep chewing on your hair, we may have to cut it because it's not a polite thing to do."
  3. The secret signal . Suggest a secret wink or hand motion to signal him when he's chewing on his shirt when they are among friends and offer him/her something positive if he/she stops doing that,
  4. Do not tell them off and do not punish them either . It is very important not to embarrass them in public because they will continue doing this just because he or she is mad at you.
  5. Work on one habit at a time . Your child can develop many bad habits, do not try to eliminate them altogether, start with the most harmful habit. Be patient.
  6. Pay attention when your child begins with a bad habit and find out what is at the origin of it. He might be afraid of something. Show your love and listen carefully to your child.
  7. Emotional stability. Promote emotional stability in your child, give him support, love, and above all, feel safe in the family. Give him the opportunity to make decisions for himself, so he can gain more confidence. Above all, do not make fun of him, do not criticize him or humiliate him.
    Most of these unpleasant habits disappear as kids get older and learn other ways to handle anxiety. Peer pressure will help, too. Not too many kids let their classmates get away with picking their noses.

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