Brainwashing America: A Look At The Education System

in #education8 years ago (edited)

There's an old saying that if someone tells you they're crazy, they're not...crazy people think they're perfectly sane. The same is true of people who have been brainwashed- particularly if the brainwashing starts early in life and continues throughout the education of the individual.

John Taylor Gatto taught school for 30 years and is the author of several books including, Dumbing Us Down, The Underground History of American Education and Weapons of Mass Instruction. He is currently a lecturer and has lectured on education is all 50 states and 9 different countries. In this video he traces the evolution of public education and how schools have been transformed from places of education into brainwashing institutions. If you read my series on Tavistock Institute, you may recognize many of the individuals and institutions in the video, including Edward Bernays, Columbia University, Stanford, University of Michigan and the Rand Corporation, all heavily linked to Tavistock.

This next video shows how successful they've been in accomplishing their goals. The government and attendant institutions have a virtual hegemony on education and by extension the minds of children.

After the last election, I began to wonder at all of the violence and protesting. After watching the video, I understand...these "children" (infants really) have been brainwashed into believing that they are doing the "right thing." If you're a parent and love your children, get them the hell out of public school!


This is an amazing combination of informational videos. Thank you.

I think this is some of the most important knowledge for anyone and everyone to have. This is the mechanism of our enslavement laid bare.

This is the same schooling system that is responsible for the communist riot squads that are using fascist tactics to stifle debate and freedom of speech.

Exactly...and they don't even know they're just pawns.

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