in #education7 years ago

In my study of bible today, I discovered that there are two kinds of people. The scripture rightly categories and enunciate them in terms of usages vessels. Anyone of us can fix in as we leave our daily life.
“But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also utensils of wood and earthenware, and some for honourable and noble use, and some for menial and ignoble use.
So whoever cleanses himself from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences will be a vessel set apart and useful for honourable and noble purpose, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.(2Timothy2: 20- 21}
Vessel is a hollow or concave utensil, as a cup, bowl, pitcher, or vase, used for holding liquids or other contents.
Vessels can also be an airship, and human body.

Fist, this type of vessel is used in a great man’s house, and not for any just house.
Second, I discovered that the vessels whether is of gold, silver, of wood and clay, can either be for honour or dishonour purpose. THE UNIQUENESS OF VESSELES OF HONOUR OR NOBLE VESSELS
They are virtuous vessel which is
 Prepared for Noble usage.
 Must be clean
 Set apart
 Fit
 Profitable to the master of the house
 Always ready for any good work
 Useful for noble purpose
 Not contaminated
 Not corrupted
 Not Consecrated
 Not Damaged
 Not Broken

As a human vessel in the hand of God, and in any organisation we find ourselves, for us to be a honorable vessels prepared for good purpose, the above listed qualities must be seen in us.

The purpose for which God created us is for noble/ honorable and the decision to get used of God, our organisation for this purpose is informed by the decision we makes as we do our daily activities. It is a matter of choice when taken a decision, and the choice we make determines our future.
Life is full of decisions, and most are trivial e. g. Car, Shoes, while some are significant. Sometimes, if we are not careful enough, we may treat the important decision as trivial, not giving adequate care and attention they deserve.
In conclusion, we should always take a right and good decision and ensure giving our decision the right priority.
The ignoble/ dishonor vessel is the opposite of noble/honorable vessels, which God or no organisation is ready to employ and use.