Empowering Education vs Subjugative IndoctrinationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #education7 years ago (edited)


I must make a post about the nature of education itself, despite I have criticized the education system in many of my posts I haven't talked about the nature of education itself.

I was mostly inspired in this thought by @larkenrose's video:

So please watch that, he details the difference between a person that really wants to teach you, as in empower you, giving you skills or knowledge that is beneficial for you, versus a person that just wants to boast their ego in front of you, perhaps making you dependent on him and his great knowledge.

This is true, we unfortunately see the latter in most cases, especially in Government run schools worldwide. But in the video he only focuses on the way the message is presented, he didn't really went into talking about the content of the message.

Because it is easy, or perhaps eventually possible to detect a person that does the latter, but I want to expand on this and analyzing the quality of the content as well. There might be a "teacher" out there that actually genuinely wants to help you, but in reality he only feeds you bullshit anyway, despite his best intentions, because the knowledge he would convey is bad by itself.

The Education System

Now in the education system you find 2 kinds of professors/teachers:

  • One that is really evil and wants to abuse kids all the time
  • The other that is good, cares for the kids, but unfortunately doesn't help them, since the curriculum is crap

Unfortunately I have mostly experienced the first kind of teacher. I have been beaten, psychologically tortured and abused in Government schools as a kid by the teachers, and my colleagues were heavily abused as well, by the teachers. Yet I had some good teachers, very friendly ones, very compassionate, but mostly in fields that really didn't helped a lot.

So I remember there was one instance where a teacher let us skip 5 classes at the end of the year. That was very kind of him, he was a nice guy. So really I had some nice personality teachers as well, sort of nature's way to counterbalance the other scum that I had to deal with.

But really the fields that they were teaching were worthless. So really the best thing they could do is to let us go free, and don't have to be subjected to that useless information. And another teacher gave us some inflated marks because the subject was hard to learn but really useless so, that is all he could do to help us.

But the real help would have been to actually:

  • Either let the kids learn by themselves, either at home or in a voluntary system (which the Government doesn't let, since Schools have literally turned into Child-Prisons by 2017)
  • Actually assemble a curriculum that really helps kids

Some guys here think that I am anti-education and anti-science when I criticize them. No I am not, I am pro-education and pro-science. But I am also pro-voluntarism and anti-tyranny.

Now that is an interesting mix, because I'd prefer the real education and real science methods, and by education I mean information that actually helps people, and not fills their head with useless information.

Are the Schools Education?

So the question is are the schools educating people? Well we won't look into the characters of the professors, despite the countless scumbags and mentally ill people that get a job there being with your kids.

What I am going to look into is the quality of the curriculum compared to the coercive nature of schooling. I am not talking about the USA, Americans still have the luxury of homeschooling. I am talking about Europe, where school is mandatory and unschooling is punished by jaling of the parents and sending the kids into foster care. Basically enslaving kids, literally.

  • Alright so you have 12 years of mandatory schools + 4 years of mandatory kindengarten + they are now talking about mandatory nurseries (mostly influenced by the EU).

So kindergarten starts at 3 I believe, and you have like maternal leave of 3 years, but that is being phased out in favor of mandatory nurseries. So no maternal leave anymore, but being replaced with literal strangers raising your kids.

I don't want to put my conspiracy hat on, but it looks exactly like the Globalist Conspiracy, with Smart-Cities, people controlled, surveilled, kids being raised by the State. Almost Orwellian. Okay this is side tangent.

So you have 16 years of mandatory schooling, +3 more years possibly being mandatory in the future and 4 more years of college, while voluntary now, might become mandatory later.

So you have basically a 16 year jail sentence for children, forced to "learn" whatever they are fed.

Now ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is a Monopoly efficient & helpful for it's clients? Especially a monopoly on force?
  • What is the quality of the "education"?

Now we know, from all monopolies that have existed, that monopolies are not efficient, they are mostly fraudulent, but at the bare minimum have done questionable things to get there, while also providing the worst possible service for the highest (imposed) price. This is a fact.

Now a monopoly on force is not just inefficient, but it's also highly immoral, given that their customers have no choice, not just no choice of an alternative, but not even the choice to opt-out.

  • Then let's look into the quality, what do schools really teach to people?

Well nothing that empowers them that is certain. I mean if you really want to empower people, you don't enslave them in the first place. So mandatory schooling by definition is paradoxical with their goal of allegedly empowering people.

No they are not empowering the kids. What is being taught? Nothing in my opinion that is useful. And I mean nothing.

Of course aside from the bare minimum (reading,writing,counting,etc..). I have known how to count by 5. You can really learn in kindengarten all that stuff.

So I guarantee you, you can learn the basics in about 1 year or less. In fact there is no need for school there, not that I would ever support a coercive institution, but literally you can learn all the basics from a video guide, or have your parents teach it to you, perhaps some kind of neighborhood run lessons where local kids would go and 1 parent (who has time) would teach the kids all the stuff they need, if their parents are too busy working 12 hours a day paying 70% taxes.

Or eliminate the income tax and then parents can work 4 hours a day and earn 11% more money anyway and have a lot more time to raise kids.

Either way 1 year basic learning, and then the rest of it you can learn on the internet. I have learned 90% of my knowledge as an: economist, amateur programmer, trader, investor, computer knowledge ,etc.. Most of it from the internet + of course my work experience, but even there there was a user manual for the software and I had to research into the trading knowledge and market research from the internet (college didn’t taught that, only useless theories without practice) by the early 2000’s on a shitty early business internet connection.

So it is a stupid strategy to think that kids have to be indoctrinated, nope, they learn on their own, things that they like.

So either have 1 year of voluntary school for the basics, or just let the kids of learn on their own anyway!

Then what about the other 15 years? Well take a look at what other stuff they are “teaching”: Literature, Geography, Biology , Physics, Chemistry, Math, and a few others.

And then they basically repeat the same stuff every 2 years. I mean I literally remember the same thing being repeated over and over again.

It may sound like the 101 Torture Chamber from 1984 but it is actually what is being done to kids. I don’t know how old are you guys, I’m 37 and I remember this very clearly. So if you try to think back and try to remember, it might be a painful memory.

Why do they repeat the same stuff over and over again? They would run out of the curriculum normally and make the school short, only 4-5 years. In fact Lenin said this:

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

As an argument for introducing 4 year mandatory school in the Soviet Union. Now it’s 16 years remember that.

It makes no sense from a rational point, if they think that repetition is the key, then you would be in school forever. I mean just being in school-prison forever and repeating the same stuff over and over again.

They know kids forget all that crap, it’s useless, it’s boring, it’s torturing, nobody can remember that.

But they think that by repeating it, they somehow memorize it, there is this latin quote:

“Repetitio Est Mater Studiorum”

Means that repetition is the mother of learning. Okay then why not be in school for our entire lives? Because we forget that stuff in about 1-2 years anyway, then why not be in school forever?

And if we do forget it, then what is the point in repeating it?

No my friend we are looking at this from the wrong angle. Repetition of the curriculum is not done for memorization purposes.

It is done as a demoralization psychological tool, to make the population obedient slaves.

It’s the 19th Century Prussian Doctrine, which the Nazis borrowed as well. The only purpose of the education system is to create soldiers and factory workers. That’s it.

So the system of “indoctrination of the young” as the Elites refer to it, is well planned.

They demoralize the kids by forcing them to memorize useless stuff, which is almost like psychological torture, I know full well I have been through it and worse in the school system. I always had a rebellious attitude as a kid and the teachers really hate that so I had a rough school life.


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I usually avoid too long post because I can't keep my attention. But , surprisingly, I read your post line by line without any break. Awesome articles. It just brought my whole school life in front of me again.

What you have mentioned, I am 100% agreed with it. What we learned and what we are doing in this practical life, there is no relationship. The portion today helping us could be learned in one year only. But we were compelled to finished every class, had to pass successfully, otherwise we would be considered at non-bright student.
We were little lucky. Our general started school at 5 or 6 years. There was no kindergarten school system then. But now, at 3 years, children are in competition field along with their parents. How tragic!
It needs complete change in the system. But there is no light at the end of tunnel. No skip.

These are very important issues you are raising. Read this with great interest, and will be reading more of your work when I have time. Your computer security tutorials especially caught my eye. Upvoted and following.

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