How World Conflict Disrupts Education

in #education6 years ago
Everyone has a right to an education, since this is how we function as a human race and play a role in the world. But not all children are able to experience the joy of education. In many areas of the world, like in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, there is conflict and war, which prohibits the children from attending school.

These conflicts are also found in other various parts of the world such as Pakistan, Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Africa, Somalia, Iraq and Syria. The fate of the children in these homelands is unknown. For them education is expensive, and even if [parents can afford fees, often schools are closed due to violence in the region, so again, the education of the child is interrupted.

To add to this, when conflict arises and is at its worst, many buildings are destroyed as a result, this includes educational facilities. It really is a sad state of affairs! Based on UNICEF data, there are as many as 75 million school-aged children in conflicted areas around the world. Due to the disruption of learning, the aid for educational assistance is in great need.

Some of the action and assistance that is given to these areas is to construct emergency tents where volunteers, often from countries around the world, come together to teach these children at least something that will be of value to them in the future. But this is still a far cry from the formal education they should be receiving, or have the right to obtain.

What makes it even harder to educate these children is that they often have been traumatized to such an extent that they suffer from severe psychological disorders, which inhibits learning even further. So, while there is a need for educators, there is a huge need for counsellors to see to the children too.

Makes me think, those of is who do have access to education and can send our children to school, we are blessed. We can only pray for the children who are not as privileged and maybe in some way we can help them one day.


Thank you for allowing a member of the @blue-pencil team to edit this post for you.

Everybody deserves a good education and in this day and age it should be widely accessible. I hope over the coming decade a lot changes for the better.

Education is the key to peace. Without education there is no hope for us all.

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