Common Core is a Failure

in #education8 years ago


I'm a 36 year old father of 2. I have a 6 year old girl and a 5 year old boy. I consider myself a relatively intelligent human being capable of solving a pretty standard math problem...even without using my calculator! 😜

Since my children started school I have had to deal with Common Core. Now I don't know if you all have had the pleasure of being a student during the start of this wonderful learning experience or have had to help your own children with this glorious product of what the US government thinks is the "world standard" of learning , but if you have been a victim; I feel your pain.

Now like I said, I have 5&6 year olds & when I attempt to help them with their homework I feel like I'm reading Chinese! When 2+2 equals banana and takes 10 steps and they need to show how they got the answer AND EVEN IF ITS WRONG BUT THEY SHOW HOW THEY GOT TO THE ANSWER ITS STILL RIGHT!!! you KNOW there is a major issue.

Let's hope & pray Betsy Devos our new head of Education will keep Trumps promise to end it. He seems to be going down his lists of promises hitting the major ones first. But he has vowed to keep ALL his promises. And so far he is on track to doing it.

Check out this mother absolutely OWN Common Core:

Also a long documentary on what's wrong with Common Core:

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