SOME OF THE THINGS YOUR LECTURERS AND KEY PLAYERS KNOW THAT YOU AS A STUDENT MIGHT NOT KNOW AS IT WERE... therefore I thought it wise to share beliving it might be of help to a few if not all

in #education7 years ago

one of the challenges student have is the assumption to know it all, wereas in real sense, you do not have better knowledge or first-hand information about what it really means.
If you are indeed desirous of winning and making it as a scholar, it means you are expected to etablish a close contact with a few of this things I'm about to share from time to time for clearification, guide and aids where they appear necessary

In as much as I will not be ignorant of the fact that there are higher veriation/uniformity in the designed, operations and structure in schools with regards to test, examination, quetions and answers, let us consider some of the few things that are very common yet many are naive to it.

    define in general context means you are expected to give the meaning of a concept according to an acceptable authority. for example, what is STEEMIT
    explain mean to give a detailed insight to the meaning if a concept in your own pibt of view
    highlight simply means to outline your views on a concept in the form of clause, or simple sentense.
    distinguish means to show( establish) a clear difference between two concepts, phenomenon, issues or line of thought.
    compare has to do with showing( establishing) similarities and difference on a particular subject matter; which is most times better structured ib a tabular form. e.g the difference between A&B
    discuss means to do a talking kind of writting and coming up with your stand point on the subject matter.
    my aim is to utilize this medium and share with others what I think will be of help to fellow scholars like myself, to develope and be better/ responsible people, helping to make our societies mostly in the developing world( mostly AFRICA) betterIMG_20180113_105155.jpg
    my unending appreciation goes to great STEEMIT community for the opportunity to share these!
    I am @ngang, ever in Love with STEEMIT800px-Steemit-big.png

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