14 Simple Ideas To Create Articles Quickly In Steemit

in #education6 years ago

Do you lack inspiration? What you don't know what to write in Steemit? Are you married but want to share something? Then you have come to the correct article. Since this time I am going to share with you 14 ideas that will help you to write regularly in Steemit.

Being then that before you continue with this article I invite you to open your notepad or text editor. Since I am sure that after reading these 14 ideas you have in mind for your next publication.

1 - it tells a story.

it tells a story

The stories are always a perfect hook to attract new readers. So if you are short of ideas. Then you could dedicate your next publication to write a story in where we can talk about your last trip.

What is important here, is that it does not only speak of that you did. If not also of the feelings you had at the time of the trip or recreational activity. Because this will bring readers to your experience.

Of course, don't forget to accompany your story with a good amount of photographs. Because your audience will surely be interested in seeing in detail the place from which you are counting.

If you have no idea how to make an article of this subject. I recommend you seek inspiration in the publications of @sweetsssj, @kitkat, @nicolemoker and @timsaid. As these people have found the perfect balance between written and quality photos stunning.

2 - Talk about your experiments.

Talk about your experiments

In case you are a person with expertise in: digital marketing, seo, inbound marketing and social media. You can dedicate a couple of articles to show the experiments you've been performing. As this will allow the readers to learn a little more about these topics.

To does a great job in this field. Because through his videos and writings you can see the strategies and techniques he is using to attract traffic to Steemit or their personal projects.

3 - Review a book, movie or TV series.

Review a book, movie or tv show

Since then, if you like to read a lot, to regularly view movies or some tv series. Then you could write about this. Since it is possible that there are people with like hobbies to yours. Which are willing to read your opinion on: the last book I have read, that movie that everyone is talking about at work, and the TV series that few would see, but that however is your favorite.

Please try to give your opinion on the topic. By avoiding to include in your article so that the criticism of the media says about the book, movie or TV series these outlining.

4 - Show your work.

show your work.jpg

Are you an artist? Then don't forget to show the projects in which you are working. As in Steemit there are a good number of people that enjoy painting, drawing and crafts. This being a good opportunity for you to show the world your work.

At the time of writing the article do not forget to accompany photographs with a good portion of text. Where you can tell who is your influence, that drawing technique you used, what type of paint it is, from which region comes the handicraft, etc ..

5 - Do a reflection.

Do a reflection

Since some of us spend our day rushing from one side to another. In order to comply with all our responsibilities. It is good that at night we may find a reflection in Steemit. Where someone evaluate the challenges posed by having to spend so many hours in the traffic, little sleep and not having enough time to share with the children.

Since then, if you're going to write an article of this type. You try to close with words of encouragement. That motivate people to leave the day of tomorrow to fulfill all of his responsibilities. Knowing that all the effort is in the interest of his own.

6 - Create a list of things.

Create a list of things

Write a list of things always tends to be fun. As one grabs onto a specific topic and divides it into several parts. Trying in the process to create a content that adds value. And that can help the person to choose the best option.

If still you haven't noticed. This article is a list of things! So here I show you 14 ideas that I think are useful when it is not clear to write.

7 - Share a recipe.

Share a recipe

If you are a professional chef or an amateur in the kitchen. Then you could invite us to accompany you to your work area. With a series of articles on this topic. Where we show you: how to prepare a typical food from your region, how to make a rich salad, how to prepare a succulent roast, etc

Certainly if your thing is baking. You can also write about it. Showing us how to make a tiramisu, tres leches, flan, macarons, a cupcake, and others.

8 - Reports on recent news.

Report on recent news

In case you are a person that goes to the slope of the news, national or international. Then you could begin to write about the same. Giving a glimpse of the implications that this can have local or international level.

Now if you have studies in economics, law or international relations. Then you could give your point of view. So that the readers can see a little beyond what the news are telling you.

9 - Teaches you about what you know.

Teaches you about what you know

Programmers can enjoy writing this type of articles. Since through them they could teach on: how to develop a simple application for Android, such as designing a website with bootstrap 4, such as setting up a web development environment, tools must use a back-end, tips to become a better full stack, a guide to basic programming in JavaScript, etc

To expedite the process of teaching. You can also make use of video where you can explain in greater detail how to carry out these teaching.

On the other hand if you are a community manager. Then you could write about: how to create a campaign in Facebook or Instagram, as do an editorial calendar, such as automating posts on social networks, how to get leads, how to create a sales funnel and more.

As time is very easy to treat this type of articles. Although if they require planning and a good chunk of time to write them.

Since then I do not say that these are the only type of people who can write articles of this subject. For if you are a carpenter you will be able to teach you how to make a chair. Or if you are a tailor as to adjust clothing that is loose, etc

10 - Write a poem.

Write a poem

In case you're a poet you can't miss the opportunity to create articles using your poems. Because within the community of Steemit. There is a good number of people who enjoy it.

11 - Share your opinion on a topic that you know.

Share your opinion on a topic that you know

I think that the articles that constructive criticism can work well if written correctly. But it is important to keep in mind that when writing this type of articles. You'll have to be a people that is open to dialogue. As you will find that some users do not share your point of view on the subject.

So you let him know in the comments area. Being so with this you'll have the opportunity of depth even more points of view. As you read carefully to what others have to say about it.

12 - Show your country or city.

Show your city

The truth is that you do not have to travel far to create a good content. You could write about different places in your city. As for example: the zoo, a national park, a museum, an art gallery, an exclusive restaurant, an archaeological site, an amusement park, etc

Here I recommend you to accompany your photos with a juicy piece of text. As this would allow the readers to know some tips and tips that will be helpful if you at any time visit your city.

13 - Collect content that is interesting to you.

Collect content that is interesting to you

According Steemit is going to grow. It is important that you have people who are dedicated to collect the best content. That may be helpful both for what are beginning on the social network, as well as for those who want to take their account to the next level.

Of course, you must not only collect items related to Steemit. Since you will also be able to publish articles such as: the 10 best places to visit in the summer and then mentioning the contents of ten users of this social network.

14 - Share your meetings with the community Steemit.

Share your meetings with the community steemit

As each day are more people who join Steemit. I see that in the near future will conduct meetings in cafes, restaurants and conference rooms for events. Which will assist a good amount of people. Thus having the opportunity to meet face-to-face, share experiences, and talk about everything related to the world of the criptodivisas.

Since then this will be a great opportunity to write an article talking about the topic. Because it will allow people that could not attend see what happened during the event.

It is clear that in the social network we can already find articles of this type. However, I think that the same will begin to be more frequent. According Steemit continue to grow.

I hope that you can get the most out of this collection of ideas. Being able to create new content on a more regular basis.

Source of images - Pixabay.

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