Mengedukasi Anak Negeri Di Sekolah Terpencil |Educating the country's children in remote schools

in #education6 years ago (edited)


Assalamu'alaikum. Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua. Sahabat Steemian, pernah dengar tentang Sarjana Mendidik di daerah Terluar, Terdepan dan Tertinggal atau SM-3T?. Ini adalah program Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Perguruan Tinggi Republik Indonesia, mengirim guru muda ke seluruh pelosok negeri, terutama ke daerah tertinggal atau terpencil. Tujuannya, untuk mengedukasi sekaligus memajukan sekolah-sekolah di kawasan terisolir. Program ini diluncurkan sejak 2011. Pada Tahun 2015, dibentuk yayasan khusus terkait program ini yaitu Yayasan Masyarakat SM-3T Institut atau MSI. Salah satu visi MSI adalah mengarahkan para peserta dan alumni SM-3T beserta pemerintah dan para lembaga mitra, berperan aktif mewujudkan cita-cita dan tujuan nasional memajukan pendidikan dan memandirikan masyarakat di daerah tertinggal di Indonesia.

Assalamualaikum. Peace to all of us. Friends of Steemian, have you heard about Bachelor of Teaching in Leading, Outermost and Underdeveloped Areas or BTLOU/SM-3T? This is a program of the Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, sending young teachers to all corners of the country, especially to the backward or remote areas. The goal is to educate and advance schools in isolated areas. This program was launched since 2011. In the Year 2015, formed a special foundation related to this program named is the Foundation Society SM-3T Institute or MSI. One of MSI's vision is to direct the participants and alumni of SM-3T together with the government and partner institutions, play an active role in realizing national goals and objectives of promoting education and self-reliance of communities in disadvantaged areas in Indonesia.

Program unggulan MSI adalah Mengedukasi Anak Negeri, disingkat MeAN. Sejak diinisiasi 2016 lalu, Alumni SM-3T telah mengabdi 22 kali di berbagai daerah pelosok di Indonesia. Khusus selama 2018, program MeAN telah dilaksanakan empat kali. Pertama, di Solok Selatan Sumatera Barat, Jatenempo Sulawesi Selatan, Kutai Kartanegara Kalimantan Timur, dan teranyar, dilaksanakan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri (SMPN) 4 Pantee Bidari, Sijudo, salah satu sekolah terpencil di Kabupaten Aceh Timur. MeAN di SMPN 4 Pantee Bidari dilaksanakan dua hari, Sabtu dan Minggu 17 - 18 Maret 2018. Kegiatan dibuka langsung oleh Direktur Masyarakat SM-3T Institut Indonesia (MSI) Pusat, Akhiruddin Haer, melibatkan Tim SM-3T Wilayah Aceh dan turut dibantu relawan pendidik dari Guru Garis Depan (GGD) Aceh Timur.


MSI's flagship programs is Educating the Country's Children, abbreviated (ECC/MeAN). Since initiated in 2016, Alumni SM-3T have served 22 times in various remote areas in Indonesia. Particularly during 2018, the MeAN program has been implemented four times. First, in South Solok West Sumatra, Jatenempo South Sulawesi, Kutai Kartanegara East Kalimantan, and newest, conducted in State Junior High School (SMPN) 4 Pantee Bidari, Sijudo, one of the remote schools in East Aceh district. MeAN at SMPN 4 Pantee Bidari was held two days, Saturday and Sunday 17 to 18 March 2018. The event was opened by the Director of Center SM-3T Indonesia Society (MSI), Akhiruddin Haer, involving the SM-3T Team of Aceh Region and assisted by volunteer educators from Frontline Teacher or GGD East Aceh.


“ Meski berstatus alumni, pengabdian SM3T untuk anak negeri tidak ada istilah berhenti. Semangat ini akan terus kita kobarkan, termasuk lewat program Mengedukasi Anak Negeri(MeAN),” kata Akhiruddin Haer.

Ketua MSI Aceh, Muzakkir, menambahkan, Tim MeAN tiba di Sijudo, pada Jumat 17 Maret 2018 sekira pukul 12:00 siang. Dari pusat kecamatan, Tim mengendarai sepedamotor lalu menyeberang sungai menggunakan rakit atau getek, dengan waktu tempuh total sekitar tiga jam lebih.


“MeAN hari pertama diawali dengan upacara pembukaan oleh Direktur MSI pusat serta arahan Kepala SMPN 4 Pantee Bidari, Islahuddin, dilanjutkan dengan beberapa kegiatan edukatif lainnya. Sementara di hari kedua, kita mengajar berbagai ketrampilan, termasuk kerajinan tangan,memperkenalkan program gerakan literasi sekolah (GLS) sekaligus penyerahan 500 buku bacaan dan menyerahkan Donasi Tas Sekolah dari Yayasan Tungga Dewi Foundation,” rinci Muzakkir, putra asli Pantee Bidari.

Masih menurut Muzakkir, respon murid serta masyarakat setempat sangat baik. Siswa dan siswi mengikuti seluruh kegiatan dengan serius, termasuk agenda menonton film edukatif pada malam harinya. Sementara komite sekolah dan masyarakat setempat menilai kegiatan tersebut sangat berdampak positif untuk kemajuan pendidikan di daerah terpencil seperti Sijudo. Bahkan, masyarakat meminta jika ada program serupa di masa mendatang, waktunya diperpanjang lagi, jangan cuma dua hari.

"Alhamdulillah, kami senang dengan respon masyarakat Sijudo. Ini membuat semangat kami untuk mengabdi pada negeri, makin tinggi," tutup Muzakkir.



"Although the status of alumni, SM3T devotion to the children of the country there is no term stop. This spirit will continue to keep, including through the program Educate Country's Children (ECC/MeAN), "said Akhiruddin Haer.

Chairman of MSI Aceh, Muzakkir, added, Mean Team arrived in Sijudo, on Friday, March 17, 2018 approximately at 12:00 noon. From the subdistrict center, the Team drove a motorcycle and crossed the river using a raft or getek, with a total travel time of about three hours.

"ECC (MeAN) the first day begins with the opening ceremony by Director of MSI center and direction of Head SMPN 4 Pantee Bidari, Islahuddin, followed by some other educational activities. While on the second day, we are teaching various skills, including handicrafts, introducing the school literacy movement program (GLS) as well as submited 500 textbooks and School Bag Donations from Yayasan Tungga Dewi Foundation, "said Muzakkir, the original son of Pantee Bidari.


Still according Muzakkir, the response of the students and the local community is very good. Students followed the whole activity seriously, including the agenda of watching educational films in the evening. While the school committee and the local community assess the activity is very positive impact for the advancement of education in remote areas such as Sijudo. Even, the local people said, if there is a similar program in the future, the time is extended again, not just two days.

"Alhamdulillah, we are pleased with the response of the people of Sijudo. This response makes our spirit to serve the country, the higher," Muzakkir ended.

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Thank You Very Much | Terimakasih Banyak😊




Nyan program pemerintah yang luar biasa demi anak negeri ini, sudah sewajarnya semua masyarakat mendukung program tersebut.
Indonesia mesti cerdas mulai dari kota hingga kepelosok desa.

Nyan @dodiaceh2 na vote postingan nyoe syit..

Bak ta eu hi lagey meuseutel otomatis Bang @only.home

Ka di pakek bot sang..
Kop gawat bandet nyan..

Sepakat sekali Bang @dodi1000. Tabeik keu Dosen dan para Cekgu. 🙏

bereh cik gu SM3T

Program pemerintah ini sangat bagus.. demi menciptakan pendidikan yang merata.

Ya pak @jamal.jeje. Mudah-mudahan program ini terus dilestarikan demi pendidikan anak negeri, terutama di pedalaman dan kawasan terisolir.

Semoga anak-anak itu terinspirasi dengan @musyawirwaspada dkk. Tapi jangan dulu ajarkan Steemit kepada mereka, ya...

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