in #education6 years ago (edited)

Greetings steemians, how are we doing, hope we are enjoying ourselves. It's been a while I posted articles to update my blog.
Well, the reason for the above is as a result of my resumption in university, but I will try to update my blog as when necessary.

About two months ago, I wrote about my Industrial Training (IT) experience, which is among the perquisites for an engineering student to graduate from the university here in Nigeria. You can get the full story from here

Here are some of the photos taken during my training, both on site and off site (office)
During the supervision of foundation excavation.

Supervision of the DPC (Damp-Proof-Course) level on site.

Doing some analytic study on plant yard expenses, while in office.

During my birthday celebration in August 25th last year.

I left the university for my training in early March last year which lasted for six month plus (early October), and we were supposed to resume the new academic session for 2017/2018 in November 2017, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, we later resumed January 21th last month.
I resumed for the final session of my undergraduate programme on January 28th. Immediately I entered into the school premises, it was as if I'm into a new environment, and everything were kinda changed in my eyes, (it had been a long time though, maybe that's why)
Did I mention that my dad was the one who actually gave me a ride to the campus, like he brought me from home to school. Okay my dad actually brought me to school, and on his way back home before he left, he gave me some fatherly advice and prayed for me. Well, I'm missing home and my siblings, and mummy's food. Lolz.

In Nigeria system of education, everything is done in an orderly manner. At the end of the training, which ended last year October, I was expected to write a report on how the training went and to do an Oral defence in a panel of lecturers and professor.

The oral defence was scheduled for two days, Tuesday and Wednesday (30th and 31th) and I was so lucky to did mine on the first day (Tuesday) because the defence was like a burden to me, because it had been postponed ever since. I was really happy when it was scheduled to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, and it wasn't postponed this time around.

Like it is everywhere, engineering students hardly put on cooperate wears to lectures, except it's very necessary. For the defence, we were expected to put on cooperate wears to the panel and there were marks attached to it.
Before the commencement of the defence, we were so excited because it had been long waiting for, and we started snapping some photos.

Below are photos of me with some of my classmates on cooperate wears.




Below also are photos of me with some of my classmates (the graduating students of civil/structural engineering set 2018, Uniben)



The number of panels for the oral defence were five, and I was meant to be in panel two which was headed by Dr. S.O. Osuji (a structural engineer and the immediate past HOD of civil/structural engineering, Uniben). Unfortunately for the panel, the head of the panel wasn't around and the defence was conducted by two other lecturers.

I was the 16th person on the list out of 20 students, and I was so angry because it was as if the panelists were wasting time, like they weren't keeping up to time.
Truth being told, I was tensed and worried because one of the lecturers is not funny, and he's kinda difficult to be pleased.

After the 15th person was done with his, I was called to the panel and offered a seat for the first time by a lecturer. Before my arrival to the panel, the lecturers had already gone through my IT report submitted, just to glazed through.
I was offered a seat, and was asked to give a summary of my training experience. In less than five minutes I was done with my speech, by telling the panelists on how I witnessed the construction of foundation on site and also the procurement of job/ contact tendering. Some questions were asked to me, which I answered correctly (it's not as if I'm the book type ooo, lolz) and I was asked to leave the panel, that they were done with me. As I was about leaving the panel, I appreciated the lecturers by saying "thank you sires" then one of the lecturers who's difficult to be pleased just gave an unforgettable comment saying "is not as if you have passed ooo, but just leave".
Ever since then, my mind has been disturbed, not knowing what the lecturer meant by that. As at on Wednesday, I went to his office to speak with him to know the reason for his comment, but he was kinda busy and he asked me to come later. I don't want to play with this IT defence, because it's a six credit unit load and having grade A on it will go a very long way for me.

Now my question is, why do you think the lecturer meant by that comment?
(Please, your response will be highly appreciated)

With the end of the IT defence, I will now boldly say that, I'm now a bonafide final year student of structural engineering, Uniben.

Well, I will say in conclusion, that the defence wasn't that stressful and it went well as God planned it to be. Of a truth, the defence was killed and dusted.
The result will likely be out next week or there about, but I will definitely give you guys fed back on it.

Below are some photos taken as a result of the IT defence.








Thanks for going through. Please don't forget to upvote, comment, follow me @motivatorjoshua, and also resteem for others to see.

God bless!!!



God bless you


Thanks boss and God bless

I think the man was just doing shakara for you. Don't take his comment to heart.

Okay boss... Thanks

Congratulation boss, its not easy

I'm telling you boss...
Thanks alot

Congratulations, I think uou passed and he just doesn't want you to be too joyful and decided to scare a little bit. Just remain confident since actually did the I.T. and you can prove it.

Oh i see...
Thanks for this

i think lecturers just have this thing where they like to scare students. Congratulations on your progress

All the best, ur result would be A's

Amen... Thanks for the prayers

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