Studying of Discipline learning From the Japanese Nation

in #education7 years ago (edited)

The Japanese nation, which in fact is mostly not Muslim, but because of implementing Islamic values, which is optimal to practice the verse about the importance of time. Then become the advanced bansga.

Here are the many well-known Japanese cultural disciplines:

First, the Bushido Principle
Principles about the passion of hard work inherited in a down-and-down manner. This spirit gave birth to a tireless learning process. Initially this spirit was studied Japanese from the west. But now the western is amazed and must learn from Japan.

Second, the Principle of Samurai Discipline
Principles that teach are not easy to give up. The samurai will do the harakiri (suicide) by jabbing the sword to the belly if lost fight. This shows their efforts to redeem the self-esteem lost due to losing the war.

Now, the spirit of samurai is still firmly planted in the heart of the Japanese, but is used to build the economy, maintain self-esteem, and honor the nation firmly. This spirit has spawned the Japanese nation into a nation that does not easily give up because of its minimal natural resources are also not succumbed to a variety of natural disasters, especially earthquakes and tsunamis.

Third, the Concept of Keishan Culture
Continuous change in work culture. The trick must be always creative, innovative, and productive. The concept of Keishan demands craft, sincerity, interest and confidence, until finally arises the willingness to always learn from others.

Fourth, Kai Zen Principle
Encouraging the Japanese nation to have a high commitment to work. Every job needs to be done and completed on schedule so as not to cause waste. If you do not follow the schedule, then the completion of work will be slow and cause harm.

Therefore, companies in Japan apply the "timely" regulation. This is the core principle of Kai Zen: the optimal cost and time in producing high quality products.

Fifth, Big Fortune Company, I'll Be Lucky too
Discipline and morale is what shapes a positive attitude and mental work. Discipline also makes the workers obedient and loyal to the company or place they work. They want to do anything for the success of the company they work for.

In fact, they can work overtime without expecting additional pay. Because they assume if the production increases and the company gets a big profit, automatically they will get compensation worth it. In their minds and souls they have embedded the desire to do the best job possible. Failure to do the same job is self-embarrassing, even their self-esteem is lost.

Sixth, Shame, If It Comes Faster
Those who return early are considered unimportant and unproductive workers. The size of Japanese values ​​and status is based on the discipline of work and the amount of time spent in the workplace. Japanese love for their work, making them focus on their work. Without any supervisor they work well, dedication, and discipline.

Seventh, Work Yes work, Rest Break really
When 8 o'clock in the morning work, no more chatter and jokes, they immediately work in front of each computer or busy directly in front of their respective jobs. New when it comes time hiru gohan no jikan (lunch) they stop their respective activities and joking with friends while heading to shokudo (canteen).

Eighth, Discipline of Small Problems
Garbage that falls in the work area, must be collected with empty hands (sude), should not wear tools. If you find cigarette butts or gum, you must pick up immediately, no matter who threw it away, you should not pretend you did not see it.

In his book Mochtar Lubis entitled "Indonesian Man", he said that this nation has a shy soul and is reluctant to be responsible for his actions. Could be, this is the root of the problem of the more porous and eroding culture of our nation's shame today.

Ninth, Sleeping 30 Minutes, in Time Hours Rest
60 minutes lunch hour, on average divided by 30 minutes for lunch, 30 minutes to get some sleep, to recover energy again. They will set aside time to sleep while lying on their desks. Re-charge energy.

Thanks to their work culture, they can become a nation whose economy level and technology field are equal, even in some areas more advanced than developed countries in Europe and America.

The Japanese are renowned for his remarkable work ethic. This work ethic has an important role in the rise of the Japanese economy, especially after Japan's defeat in the second world war. In the past, the Japanese were not people who had a high work ethic. They are not disciplined and prefer to relax and spend time to have fun.

Citizens with a high level of discipline and obedience rules, may be directed to the country of Japan. So many rules that exist in the country but its citizens are very disciplined and obedient to the rules of the rules.


This post gives a facinating insight into the Japanese Culture. What is it that interests you about Japanese culture?

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