Access to Education Continues Expanded

in #education6 years ago

Steemians friend.. Entering the third year of Kemendikbud government continues to expand access to education. Through Smart Card Indonesia government tries to touch children unable to school.

Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Muhadjir Effendy said the expansion of educational access is one of them is done by expanding the beneficiaries of Smart Indonesia Program through the provision of Smart Indonesia Card. Not only provide opportunities for orphans but also to orphans, children living in orphanages as well as nonformal learners.

This is an effort to realize that the state must ensure every Indonesian child gets his right to get an education," he said during a press conference on the Performance of Kemendikbud in 2017 and the Work Plan of 2018 at the Kemendikbud office.

Former Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Malang explains, the ministry strives for social assistance for children can not afford this benefit for the needy. But on the other hand also need transparency and accountability. Therefore the ministry gives KIP in the form of student deposits equipped with ATM cards. This breakthrough will encourage non-cash transactions as well as to increase literacy and financial inclusion at the student level.

Based on data as of November 11, 2017, the government has distributed KIP to Primary School level of 7,778,963 children; Junior High School as many as 3,244,134 children; High School as many as 1,037,351 children, and; level Vocational High School as many as 1436,186 children.

Muhadjir explained, the synergy between the government, local government and the community in implementing priority programs will have a direct beneficial impact for the community.

Furthermore, to support the Revitalization program of Vocational Education and Skills Kemendikbud has trained 12,750 teachers to become productive teachers and also recruits 15,000 teachers of dual skills programs. In addition, Kemendikbud has cooperated with eight ministries and 16 business and industry sectors. A total of 3,574 industries have cooperated with SMK.

Education Observer UPI Said Hamid Hasan believes, access to education is still not good and the dropout rate is still high. Said noticed that the government's education policy has not been clear about the direction and the program so that people are always given controversial issues that spend a lot of time, thought and energy. '' This shows a hit and run educational policy, '' he said.

According to him, education policy has not been able to fulfill the right of citizens to be educated and not discriminatory. This situation endangers the life of the nation in the future so that demographic bonus will be a demographic disaster. Another consequence of such a policy, character education that is being developed in the Curriculum 2013 is truncated or beheaded because it is only enjoyed by some educated and educated children in quality schools.

Meanwhile, related to government teachers have not yet had a clear understanding of qualification and quality. This caused the government not to recognize the qualifications already issued. Where teachers who already have qualifications / deeds are considered not valid because the term is not a certificate and obtained not through the new education system resulting in wastage in a very large amount.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of Commission X of the House Abdul Fikri highlights about K2 honorary teachers. He states, teachers are the spearhead of education while the government has repeatedly promised teachers honorary K2 to be appointed civil servants. "But the facts until now only filing,"

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