Guys, help me...It's getting closer!!!

in #education6 years ago

You know, I love exams. It's really refreshing, after all, not having to take boring eight-period lessons. It's a nice change after an exhausting term. All we have to do is answer some questions. It's quite a fun...

If the dreadful thing named results aren't given, of course.

Seriously, why would they want to give the results like we haven't been through enough? We are tensing up before the exam and now we have tremble while looking at the calendar. Most importantly, what is the use of giving out how we did the subjects we are no longer continuing?

That what my upcoming exam results are about.


I only have two days left! I need somewhere to hide!!!

After six years of continuous learning, we had to take a serious government exam in last December. I had to face 9 subjects.

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Buddhism (Religion)
  • Sinhala (Mother language)
  • History
  • English
  • Japanese (Optional sub.1)
  • Drama (Optional sub.2)
  • ICT (Optional sub.3)

They only give the grades, that's a relief. 'A' is the best mark then goes 'B','C'. 'S' is lower pass and you know what 'F' means.

I thought I did well after finishing the exam, but now I'm not sure of anything!

Well, I know that I won't get grades lower than 'B' for any subject, I'm a bright case you know ;) But what I'm unsure is getting 9 A's. That's dream of every O/L student.

The subjects I'm mostly afraid of are Maths and IT. Math paper is so hard and I also screwed up when writing it. Something cruel happened to me in the exam but I don't like to give excuses.

IT was scary. It had a lot of programming questions and my eyes stung with tears while looking at it. I don't want to remember it anymore. But I'm taking ICT for higher studies. What a joke! XD

I don't mind about other subjects but I'm unconfident about the results. Many students say the English paper is a complex but I think I answered it pretty well, But who knows?



 I started getting results nightmares now. But I don't think I care about it anymore. I usually remove bad memories from my mind :D People around me are interested in it than me. Well, my parents aren't tough with their children so they will be Ok. But still, I might get thrown out of the house with a suitcase lol.

The problem is the nearby resistances and relatives. Wednesday is going to be a busy day for our phones. I might get calls from those who I haven't heard a word from in past years! And the neighbours are like weather reporters. It will be easy if I walk around the village with the results on my back. :D

So everyone, I need you! Stay close to me! It's a good thing that I have you to share these. Or I will be having a blast now.

I'm just kidding. I'm cool and calm. I don't give a damn about it. But I think I need your support...just a bit.


Hehe, Thanks for reading...Until the results come<3 

(No I can't wait that much, I'll post a few before that :)


You seem like a really smart girl to me, so I think you did well on your exams. But yeah I will pray for you and support you no matter what happens! :)

Oh, you think so? You guys are so supportive! Hehe, thanks :)

You've done your best, little sis... All you have to do know is to believe and wait for a positive result. hugs for you!

Aw, it's good to see you here! Sure, I'll wait, I have faith in me :)Thanks for backing me up big sis! hugs you back

Anytime, little sis! Take care!

Hehe, you too^^

I'm praying for you! Getting results back is always stressful but im sure you'll do great!

Oh, glad to see you here! You know the feeling right?
It's tomorrow!!! Thanks for the support<3

Haha there you've said it. I looking forward to seeing your results than you are :D And not only you, I'll also have to hang a board displaying your results on my back, man... it's gonna be a tough week ; )

Anyways, don't worry, you've done great sis :D

cough cough Don't scare me like that! If you feel like that, can you think how would I feel?

Do you think so? Thanks :)

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