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RE: Is Our Education System Teaching Us Anything of Real Value?

in #education7 years ago


So far, we're still learning and trying to find a better way to educate the next generation. We learnt from the previous generation that the system used doesn't accommodate different kind of learners. Overtime, Education these days are far more encouraging the students to learn based on their interest and capability. However, there are still some aspect from the previous educations that remain, which is grading system.

Grading system still plays a really crucial role in student's life. once we fail to meet the minimum standard given, we'll be seen as a failure not only by our teacher but also our friends and family.

In my country, grade still determines our job application.They set certain standard and if we doesn't meet the requirements, we couldn't apply for the job we wanted just because we fail one class.

I'd like to tell a bit of my experience, I've learnt even in my college, one doesn't have to be smart to finish the college with good grades. Just simply obey the rules ( including attending class regularly) and memorize the lecture given. My major requires critical thinking but most of my lecturer doesn't encourage the student to do so. for example : Poetry is all black and white to them, there's no gray part and only definite interpretation. If we ever try to interpret it in our thoughts,, expect to fail instantly.Also, for art majors, question in exam shouldn't have a definite answer. I think as long as we interpret with common sense backed with strong evidence and reasoning, it's acceptable.

Those things mentioned above are simply the surface of problem from education system. Each of them bring a lesson and impact to someone's life. We either realize that school taught us nothing or school taught us important lesson on how to educate the future generation better.

Great post! I wanted to write more but I don't want to create some sort of an article within an article



Thank you @macchiata, not only for the upvote and resteem but also for the very valid comment ripe with food for thought. :c)

Yes, the education system has been makine some adjustments - but the core of the system has mostly remained the same. The innovations also greater effect later stages of the education process (although technology may have been introduced earlier as a teaching assist).

Exam grading also plays a significant part here. A lot of employers like to look over them as of they are an accurate measure of how qualified a student is. Other employers take them with a big pinch of salt however, having learnt enough that a certification on paper does not necessarily equate to competence, let alone proficiency (again due to the obvious limitations of the testing system).

Your experience with poetry does send me back - although upon the fundamental level it was usually more about reproducing the texts from memory and rattling off related trivia than getting into interpretation. It was merely another silly mandatory aspect of "fundamental" learning in a language.

Whether an exam paper is going to be penalized for thinking for oneself largely depends upon the inclinations and mood of the examiner in question - an opaque process upon which the futures of countless students have been made and broken.

Yes it would be premature to suggest that these problems constitute the lion's share of whats wrong with education (the administrative aspect treated largely with kid gloves) - but it is a start.

There is nothing wrong with writing articles within articles - but I do feel that such is a great opportunity to post actual article posts for yourself as spin-off from this or other articles. :cP Its an excellent opportunity to introduce a new angle.

Thank you again for taking the time to comment! ^_^

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