4 Things Every Woman Should Do After S€x

in #education2 years ago

There are few things every woman should do after S€x to keep themselves healthy.


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Wash Up With Gentle Soap And Water

Bacteria from the fingers, mouth, and rectum can increase a woman’s chance of developing yeast or bacterial infection after s€x. Simply take a warm washcloth and gently dab the area with soap and water (or just warm water), moving from front to back. Internal cleaning (such as douching) isn’t necessary, because the vagina has its own internal wash cycle that keeps it clean and balanced.

Drink Water


Image Credit: Masterfile

Since it’s a good idea to pee after a roll in the hay, don’t forget to drink water. When you stay hydrated, you’ll pee more, which means that more bacteria will wash out of your body before infections can flare up. Also, S€x is counts as exercise, so drinking a cup of water help replenish your strength. If you think you’re going to be too tired to go to the kitchen to get a cup of water, keep a bottle filled and ready on your nightstand so you don’t miss out on this step.

Pee when you have intercourse, bacteria can get into your urethra, the tube that carries urine out of your body. That can raise your chances of an infection. That’s why you must pee within the next 30minutes after s€x to flush those bacteria.

We know that’s something you never forget to do after visiting the washroom, but it needs to be mentioned because it should be an important part of your post-sex routine. During sexual activities, germs from your partner’s body, especially the genitals, may have gotten transferred to your hands. Wash your hands with soap and water, and make it part of your post-sex clean-up routine.

Thanks for Reading.

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