University Education Has Been Destroyed. Luckily, In This Day And Age, It Is Unnecessary.

in #education7 years ago

When Camille Paglia opens her mouth to speak,
she usually has something worth listening to, to say.
Highly intelligent, and even more knowledgeable,
of all the people who I've heard expound on a subject,
I never go away from listening to Camille
without being inspired to thought.

I could sit here and drone on about the contents of this video,
but I think that Camille Paglia says it all.
We, today, live in a world full of fakers, she is not one of them.

Camille Paglia: 'Universities Are an Absolute Wreck Right Now'



upvote and comment just for the title

Thank you.

do you recognize the picture?

no, should i?

I thought it would be a humorous, but apt comparison, and also demonstrate my point. This is a photo that appears to be the gate at a school or university. It is actually the gate at Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg concentration camp. I didn't want to make it too obvious, but on the gate is the somewhat familiar "Arbeit Macht Frei" or "work brings freedom" as seen on or above the gates of many concentration camps.

Ha, great comparison!

Awesome just discovered her a month ago, brilliant women. I also posted one of her interviews.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.

I've been aware of some of her writing since the 90's. There are some excellent interviews with her on youtube going back at least that far. I think this is only my second post about her.

Yes I spent a day binge watching what I could find from her on youtube. One thing I must say about her that you don't find to often now a days is she is very consistent with her message.

Indeed she is. I did find one video where she was supporting Hillary Clinton, and then found some of her criticisms afterward. It makes me think, even more, that intelligent academics would be better served by staying away from supporting politicians.

Camille is awesome...I was at the APSA Conference at the Washington Hilton in 1993 presenting a paper and spent an hour or so at the bar with her. She has an incredible wit and makes so much sense.

She's very prolific in her speaking and writing. I like mining youtube for content with her in it.

She's hilarious! We sat at the bar at the Hilton rating chicks that walked in and talked politics!

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