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RE: You're not Elon Musk – an unschooler's double standard

in #education7 years ago

Just looking at it from another angle entirely. Be proud you're not Elon Musk. There is some evidence that he may be just a con man. Be proud you're not Bill Gates. I understand he supports eugenics and promotes vaccinations.


Oh, I am, I am :D I don't think being Elon Musk is necessarily a good thing and I wouldn't want to be Bill Gates (I've heard those things too). So, I am proud I'm not them. But these people are very rich and powerful and regarded as successful in our modern world, that's what I was getting at. They have impressive (well, depends on your understanding of the word, but to the large majority, they are impressive) careers and are fabulously wealthy, so they're not worried about making a living.
'Cause that's what school is supposed to do, in all honesty, get you able to make money.

Well, maybe they sell it as being what you need to do to be wealthy, but I imagine we both agree it's really to mold kids into being malleable citizens. The other day I was thinking about the old names for the different classes in NZ (before they changed it to just Years 1 to 13). Two years in the primers (pronounced primmers) - are they priming you for the next steps? Four years in the standards - maybe learning the standards we're expected to adhere to. Then 7 forms - forming us into model citizens?

Totally agree - that is exactly what they want, to get malleable citizens who obey their rules. That's exactly what I am saying, you're told to look up to these people, although you shouldn't and most people do, at the very least, agree that these people are well off, so they've got something going for them.

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