Interactive Subtitles and Captions for Language Learning: Where to Find and How to Use Efficiently

in #education6 years ago (edited)

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Subtitles were so exclusive back in the day, when we watched a program in a foreign language. These days, you can find it on most online videos. Many people believe that these are just there to help those with a hearing impairment, but it is actually also useful for all of us. I remember those days when I was watching YouTube videos late at night and put on the subtitles in order to not wake up the family. Another great reason to have these captions on a video is to make sure that you are hearing the information correctly.

When it comes to learning a new language, it is vital to have subtitles. This will not only help you see how the word is spelled, but also the way it flows within a sentence. Then at least you do have to ask someone to reword this and that, because you learned a new language the right way. When these subtitles and captions are interactive, it becomes a powerhouse for learning a new language. Being able to hear and read a sentence is a perfect combination. You learn the spelling as well as the pronunciation, which is always a bonus.

You can find many language teaching tools online, but you want to be extra selective and find those with the interactive subtitles. If you just use one of the methods, hearing or writing, you are going to find that you are working twice as hard to master it. This has also become an options for teachers who are teaching another language and it is found that students are able to pick up information easier. You can easily find a reword sentence tool but if you can do it on your own after a few lessons, you can save those costs and effort.

Where to find

There are many websites offering language learning and it merely takes a search on Google to find a good few. If you are smart about it, you can find those websites that offer these services free of charge. I would suggest that if you are doing it for formal reasons that you invest in the process if needed. There is no doubt in my mind that it is a better option to learn from people who are native speakers, but we don’t always have that luxury. Doing a course online is not only convenient, but also a great opportunity to work at your own pace. Some people thrive in the traditional classroom setting and others do better when they feel in control. What works for one, does not necessarily work for someone else.

How to use

It does not always mean that when you work on something, that it is magically going to be effective. It takes commitment and a little patience. Learning a new language is a challenging task, but it can also be exciting. Imagine yourself at that point where you reword text without the help of an online tool. If you want to give interactive subtitles and captions a try, you can try the following methods.


If you ever heard that watching too much of television is bad for you, there might be a loophole. Watching movies or shows with subtitles can be a great method to learning a new language. Be sure to listen to what is said and make the mental connection with the subtitles and what is actually meant. Before you know it, you are going to pick up a few words and phrases, by sitting in front of the tele. Work on pronouncing the words while learning, if you want to kill two birds with one stone. Take a notepad with you and write down any words you get on the first round. Then with every session, you write down some more. This way, when you are not in front of the television, you can go over your words and master those.


We all love a good song, but there is more to it than just jamming to a beat. You can add subtitles to your favourite songs on many music platforms. Let’s take YouTube as an example. Just add subtitles in the language you are wanting to master and pay attention. It’s easy to get distracted and just sing the song in the language you know, but there are moments when you pick up words. When you enjoy what you are doing and you are passionate about it, information is retained much better. This is why music is such a powerful tool in this regard. Another way to make this work is to listen to a song in the language you are wanting to learn and do the subtitles in your own language. Now, you can learn pronunciation and get to know more music.


Perhaps this process is more casual for you and you are really not interested in signing up for an online class. This should not stop you from pursuing a new language. Watch your favorite online videos and add subtitles. This is easy to do and does not add any commitment. You still learn a new language and even if it is at a slower pace, it still is a step in the right direction. Even if it takes a while for you to make a connection with a word of a phrase, it does not define anything. A new language is not easy to learn. If it was, everyone would be multi-lingual. Doing it casually also helps you to relax and not overthink the results. Make it a fun process by watching videos online and making small connections.


Be kind to yourself when attempting to learn a new language. You are already many steps ahead of the rest of society. Many people are afraid of even starting, but that is just the voice of failure. You do not have to perfect anything in a day, week or month. Just enjoy the process of what might open a few doors going forward.

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