Safety guidelines for motorcyclists

in #education7 years ago

Hmmm! Here is the final instalment for safety guidelines as I earlier promised. First, I'll itemize general safety rules before dishing it out. Here we go.

General safety rules

I. The recommended speed limit should be strictly adhered to. It ranges from 60kmh to 100kmh.

II. There should be stopping distance between You and the vehicle that is ahead of You. In Nigeria language, Don't follow the vehicle bumper to bumper. The reason being that the vehicle ahead might just stop abruptly without giving any prior signal. Maybe a kid ran across the road, or he suddenly stopped to allow someone alight from his vehicle. I was once involved in an accident due to that reason.

III. Alcohols and narcotics should be avoided by road users.

IV. Never overtake at a sharp bend. I mean NEVER.

V. Reduce your speed when approaching four junction. I once boarded a bike on my way home in the middle of the night. The motorcyclist approaching four junction increased his speed not seeing the other junctions. I had to tap him hard before he reduced his speed. What if a car was on top speed? It wouldn't have been the same story.

VI. Observe all traffic signs.


Source: Pixabay

Red - Stop
Yellow - Get ready
Green - Go
There are a host of other traffic though.

VII. Don't receive calls while driving or be on hands free if you must do. Some people are still wishing they hadn't ignore this instruction. It is a common trend and it is not safe at all. There are calls that can take away your focus or steer deep into your emotions while driving. Simply park your car and receive such calls.

VIII. Be considerate of other road users. Stop parking your car in a way that causes traffic. You see someone trying to negotiate a bend for a long time, allow the person the right of way. And as a cab driver, never stop or park in a way that obstruct free flow of traffic. If your car suddenly develops fault, ask other road users to assist you to take it off the road to allow free flow of traffic.

Safety guidelines for motorcyclist

A cyclist rides a bicycle. A motorcyclist rides a motorbike or a powerbike. Here are some safety tips on riding either of them on the highway.

I. A cyclist/motorcyclist must follow the designated lane if provided. Otherwise, ride on the less busy lane.

II. A Cyclist/motorcyclist must put on protective clothings, secured helmets, tight-fitting gloves, jacket and closed footwear. This will reduce impact in the cause of an accident occurring.

III. A motorcyclist must not convey more than one passenger. Lol. Ibadan people know what's up.

IV. A cyclist/motorcyclist should ride with lesser speed when it rains to prevent the bike from slips and accidents.

V. Keep to your left even while overtaking. This is to prevent you from being at a car's blind spot. Also, never overtake a convoy as security operatives can mistake you for being a criminal trying to cause havoc.

VI. Don't swerve in and out of traffic. Don't change lanes unexpectedly. Signal other road users before changing course.

VIII. A cyclist/motorcyclist must wear reflective clothings at night to ease easy visibility from other road users.

IX. Anticipate pedestrians especially children who may dash across the road. Animals can also dart out unexpectedly.

X. Practice road courtesy even when others won't.

Promise fulfilled? Yes.......

I'll be writing an interesting series very soon. Stay glued to my blog. See you. And have a great day.

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