Importance of Workplace Safety

in #education6 years ago

A couple days ago I read a post from @onyima that inspired me to write one of my own.


The main issue that was expressed in the post was concern and frustration about an unsafe workplace.

You can read the whole post by clicking here. I recommend you check it out, especially because of the photographs.

I have to say I was surprised but also a little disappointed that people have to work in areas like that. Even if we forget about the whole safety issue. I can not imagine working in a place with a lot of clutter where the chaos rules and workers suffer. There is no chance for the employee to even try to enjoy and appreciate the job they have or feel accomplished after a busy day.

Nevertheless, we have to be at work for at least eight hours which is more than a third of our day. Nobody should spend a third of their adult life in a bad working space filled with frustration and safety hazards.

Safety first
In Canada, safety is very strictly regulated and monitored. We have Canada Labour Code where all rights and duties of both employees and employers are stated. So in next couple of paragraphs, I would like to present you the main highlights of our Code.

I hope this is not the time you decide to find a more interesting post because I strongly believe everyone should know the basics when it comes to work safety. Even if you are not living in Canada - you might be able to compare your country's Code and see if there is anything missing in any of them.


Employee Perspective
As employees, we have a right to know, a right to participate and a right to refuse.

You have the right to be informed of known or foreseeable hazards in the workplace and to be provided with the information, instructions, training, and supervision necessary to protect your health and safety.

As health and safety representatives or workplace health and safety committee or policy health and safety committee members, employees have the right to participate in identifying and correcting work-related health and safety concerns.

The one right that I found especially important is the right to refuse unsafe work. I wish every country would have this right for their working citizens.

According to Canada Labour Code:

You have the right to refuse to work if you have reasonable cause to believe that:
-your workplace presents a danger to you
-the use or operation of a machine or apparatus presents a danger to you or to another employee
-the performance of an activity constitutes a danger to you or to another employee.

Now, we all know it is not just about the rights but also the duties as they complement each other in order to get a safe work environment.

I will not list all the duties, as I am not a fan of copy pasting and also I don't want to make too long of a post. In summary, we have to use all available safety equipment provided by the employer and follow all procedures. We also have to report any accidents, injuries or hazardous occurrence, as well as any potential hazards that we think, are present in our workplace.


You can see that there is a lot of duties we have as workers. But this time the duties are not a burden but just the opposite - they give us a chance to speak and protect ourselves and others.

Employer Perspective

As an employer, you play an important role in preventing workplace accidents and injuries and promoting safe and healthy workplaces.

Employers are responsible for providing proper safety equipment, proper training, and supervision. However, it's employee's duty to use the means given. There has to be a co-operation between the two sides in order to work safely.


Managers and supervisors might not be on site at all times so they might not be aware of all the things that occur and only if they get some feedback from their employees, they will be able to act and fix the flaws.


Final Thoughts
I would not change one bit of our code because I know how important it is to feel safe at work. I am currently working in a research laboratory and to many of you, this may seem very hazardous. So many chemicals everywhere. However, because it seems unsafe environment we are trying to take extra precautions. We are more vigilant even in our everyday lives.

On the other hand, when some people say they have an easy, not hazardous job they might not be aware of all the unsafe circumstances they encounter throughout a day. Just because you aren't working with chemicals or heavy machinery you can't assume that your work is safe and you always have to be aware of your surroundings.


I know that today's post was everywhere and maybe not properly structured, for which I apologize. I was more focused on giving you all important information than anything else. Hopefully, you were reminded of the importance of safety or even learned a new thing or two.

I heard about all of this and studied in more depth in one of my courses in Chemical Technology program where we had one whole course dedicated to health and safety at work.
The main source and all citations were from Workplace Safety section on Government of Canada website which you can access on this link.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe ;)


Thanks for sharing the workplace post from @onyima. Its sad to see what some people must deal with in their workplace to try to make a living. You're lucky to be living in Canada while working with hazardous chemicals. I guess it might not even be possible in some countries or not worth the risk. The image of the carpenter using the saw with a human table really makes me cringe... ha ha!

@k4r1nn thanks for acknowledging my epiphany of hard truth
Its quite sad that here, though we do have similar and less direct workplace codes by the government, they aren't really implemented ( i guess that's as good as not having)
Entrepreneurs tend to use this to there advantage, which results in maximum output and the trend is followed by pace-setting company owners.
My point is, work place safety is more personal effort than rules, avoid sceneries or jobs without the right description. And make effect to properly study the safety rules of the organization

Even though you made a long post, I read the whole through without a pause. I really like that you wrote about this topic because everybody should pay more attention to their own safety. Here in Slovenia we have very similar safety code, and I am glad it is so. But still, there are many who don't even think about their safety, not even on the safety of others. So thanks for sharing all this useful informations and a great rest of the weekend!

all companies and employer, providing insurance to worker, because the risk of accidents is very high, hopefully they read all your post.

I agree with you, safety at work is the most important thing, this News may be a warning to those who ignore safety in work

just ah perfect click!

I have read your post. In which wood is working on a person. It can be dangerous.

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