Understanding Human Minds And Its 6 Dimensions

in #education7 years ago

Understanding Human Minds And Its 6 Dimensions

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Every single human mind work under 6 dimensions – Love, Fear, Joy, Hatred, Boredom and Sexuality. These 6 dimensions are available in every single human mind, and its common make-up likewise decides the power of some of these dimensions. It's unrealistic to ever eradicate one of these dimensions absolutely from the mind, and individuals who are attempting to do as such are typically simply stifling their mind and this type of concealment just prompts inward resistance, which shows as affliction of some shape or the other.

For instance, many people who misconstrue some otherworldly lessons begin attempting to smother certain dimensions in the mind, more often than not the dimensions of hatred, fear and sexuality, which makes them wage a consistent fight with their mind, in some cases for a lifetime. When you deliberately comprehend that the mind is the mind, and you quit attempting to force a heavenly nature on it, you will at no time in the future be contrary to your mind's characteristic make-up and therefore take into consideration an agreeable physical affair.

Characterizing 6 Mind Dimensions


This is clearly one of the light natures of the mind. All minds are fit for love. The different structures in which a mind communicates love are – Care, Empathy, Service, Charity, Tenderness, Compassion, Romance, Passion, Infatuation, Obsession and Devotion. Each mind has the limit with respect to every one of these expressions, and in a lifetime, the greater part of us, typically express every one of these types of love somehow or the other. The mind has greater limit with respect to love when it feels secure, and it would render be able to love to low need when it needs to stress over its survival.

In a condition of obviousness, even the measurement of love, in the mind, can turn into a wellspring of unevenness and disharmony. For instance, examples of fixation on somebody or something the mind is in love with, which would lead be able to examples of poverty, uncertainty, over-possessiveness and other fear-based developments. Enthusiasm, when not directed by a basic insight, can turn into a wellspring of over-liberality and corruption, making you a detainee to the very thing you love.

So the measurement of love, similar to all dimensions in the mind, is similarly aware of going into unevenness when there is an absence of cognizance.


This is a dim nature in the mind. All minds have a propensity towards fear, some more than others. A fearful mind is an immense wellspring of unsettling influence since it continually makes imperviousness to your development, yet it's impractical to stifle this measurement of the mind.

Be that as it may, as you wind up noticeably cognizant, as your mindfulness ends up plainly steady, you would stop be able to relating to the mind's fears and quite recently let them be. A mind that has solid proclivity towards fear will continue creating fear-based considerations, yet when you end up plainly cognizant you quit energizing this nature of the mind and it begins losing its force and energy to impact your vibration in any solid route – as it were, you begin moving from a position of motivation and are not commanded by fears.

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Fear is generally the most grounded impetus that drives you to wake up, to stir from the mind. The different structures that fear would take be able to in a human mind are – freeze, uneasiness, stress, concern, ghastliness, despondency, blame, frailty, fixation, negative fervor, anxiety and eagerness. There will never come a period when a human mind can be completely free of fear – it's unrealistic on the grounds that fear is a measurement instilled in it. So it's not about achieving some state where your mind quits delivering fear, yet rather about achieving a cognizance, or mindfulness, where you are never again impacted by the mind's fears.


This is clearly a light nature in the mind. Joy is fundamentally the characteristic vibration of the being that you basically are, and henceforth at whatever point the mind is joyful it is most lined up with its life-stream. This is one motivation behind why individuals seek after joy for their mind, in light of the fact that in a joyful state there is no resistance in their body and hence it can rest easy. The different articulations of joy in a human mind are – Excitement, thrill, sexy delight, quiet, eagerness and unwinding.

All minds have a limit with regards to joy, yet a few minds are more disposed to tranquil articulations of joy like unwinding and quietness, while a few minds incline toward more riotous articulations of joy like energy, elation and eagerness – there is generally an adjust were we like some peace and we likewise like some fervor.

It's essential to offer vent to this measurement of the mind. There are a few people who smother their joy out of fear and more often than not decrease from joy-introduction in view of sentiments of blame or enduring focused considering. Since joy is the vibration that comes nearest to the normal vibration of life vitality, it's critical to permit your mind however much open door for joy as could reasonably be expected while likewise enabling the knowledge of your attention to be available so you don't wind up going over-board into over-liberality or some indiscreet activities.


This is a dim nature exhibit in the mind. All minds have this measurement and it assumes a vital part in choosing your inclinations – your preferences. Hatred is a measurement imbued in the mind and there is no making tracks in an opposite direction from it, and individuals who attempt to stifle the mind when it produces detest based contemplations for the most part wind up making a considerable measure of repressed negative vitality inside their body which turns out to be very lethal and broken.

The different courses in which hatred is communicated in the mind are – disdain, feedback, desire, possessiveness, hate, vanity, stretch, disappointment, outrage, aggravation, anxiety, disappointment, doubt, inadequacy, lack of care and forcefulness. When you comprehend that hatred is a measurement of the mind, you let go of the purposeless push to change this piece of it and work towards basically not making it individual and giving the mind a chance to have its development.

When you are steady in your space of mindfulness, you can basically enable the mind the opportunity to have its despise based musings and not offer vitality to them. When you attempt to smother the despise based contemplations in the mind, you in a roundabout way give them a ton of fuel due to your fear. On the off chance that you don't make the detest based considerations of your mind individual, you won't be judging yourself for the contemplations of the mind and would essentially leave it alone, with time the mind will gradually lose force and its loathe based musings won't have an impact on your vibration. This does not imply that the mind will stop detest based considerations completely, yet they won't have a force to impact your vibration or condition of being.

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This is fundamentally a dim nature in the mind. Boredom is a state when the mind feels a feeling of lack of engagement with the Now minute. Boredom is generally a safe state yet drawn out boredom would lead be able to conditions of sorrow. This measurement in the mind propels it to seek after inventive attempts and diversion, which takes into consideration new wishes and therefore takes into account extension in physical life. In this way, similar to all dimensions of the mind, this measurement likewise fills a helpful need of giving differentiation and development when permitted completely.

At the point when boredom emerges, simply permit it completely as opposed to attempting to stifle it – get a genuine feeling of the "inclination" of boredom, with the goal that you are not fleeing from it or in fear of it. When you genuinely permit the vitality of boredom, it as a rule transmutes to a feeling of quiet or peace, and in this place of non-resistance roused activities would come be able to forward that conveys joy to the mind. The condition of boredom additionally balances the spiked conditions of fervor or elation, and is important to keep up a congruity in the body's vitality.


I would order this measurement as a dull nature in the mind, for the most part as a result of the greatness of this vitality. All minds have this measurement and when not saw legitimately can turn into a wellspring of hang-up, debasement, blame and disappointment. This measurement in the mind causes the development towards propagation and thus assumes an imperative part in the physical domain, it's likewise a wellspring of stimulation/delight for the mind and can likewise turn into a vista through which you express love and joy.

The vitality of sexuality can be very serious and henceforth its concealment makes a great deal of danger and disharmony in the body. Individuals who attempt to stifle this measurement in their mind typically wind up creating examples of hatred inside them. Distinctive individuals have diverse drives to their sexuality, which likewise changes with age, and one should know that they are not stifling or over-relating to it.

The measurement of sexuality is straightforwardly influenced by different dimensions of the mind, for instance, a mind that is lost in fear for the most part loses its enthusiasm for sex, a mind that is lost in hatred can convey a savage expression to its sexuality, boredom can likewise prompt a decrease in sexuality, though a conspicuously joyful condition of being considers a solid sex drive.

The center pointer to comprehend is that these dimensions are imbued in the mind, or hard-wired, and subsequently can't ever be deleted out of it. For whatever length of time that the mind is alive, and solid, it will display every one of these dimensions, conceivably once a day. Individuals are constantly alright with the light natures of the mind, similar to love and joy, yet more often than not neglect to really see, deliberately, the other dull natured dimensions of the mind like fear, hatred, boredom and sexuality – ordinarily there are examples of concealment and restriction towards these natures in some shape or the other originating from the being, that you are, centered around this body.

When you are at no time in the future related to the mind, and have a dependability in your mindfulness, you can enable it the opportunity to express every one of its dimensions without being lost in it, additionally your mindfulness will guarantee that your vibration is not impacted adversely by any of these dimensions of the mind. This is a condition of genuine flexibility, and considers a wholistic experience of physicality.

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Inquiry into the Human Mind
By: Thomas Reid


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Thanks for this excellent insights. Glad that somehow my post were useful for you. Learning has no ending because every now and then, new knowledge and awareness came in which I believe we should know.

very benefits . thank's

Glad you like it

Great post. I really enjoy reading about these kinds of topics. 6 dimensions, huh ? That's quite interesting :) Keep this up.

Thanks for the compliment

Really liked the post. The cool cartoon I like it very much. The human mind is not fully understood. There will be a lot of discoveries and secrets.

You are right, human mind still has this mysteries.

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