Globalschool - Report IT Group September-October 2018 Vienna Austria

in #education6 years ago (edited)


From mid of September up to beginning of October the group of young IT students joining from Eger in Hungary learned to cooperate and develop leadership skills while taking initiatives and responsabilities to develop the next generation blockchain based platform codename the "iAme" (long story short: proununced "I'M" or i Ame, french for the "soul of i" or AI-me, meaning self cognition or re-cognition of self. For the notice, also because I love long parenthesis and put comments in the legends... "iAme" which curisouly took the first and last letters of the IdeA MachinE while has been created nearly years earlier^^).

Today was the last day of the IT group and as Manuel (@gexi) was busy in his company @mukitgmbh with 3 @globalschool participants dedicated to support their tasks, Christoph (@manncpt) and @mammasitta managing the launch of @yumleadership as well as the @globalschool back office work + communication and @wolfgangsieberth with Go Visual, ^^ ...I started yesterday with Moni and pursued today the evaluation of the IT group before their departure tomorrow morning.

The group from the beginning showed a real enthusisam while some of the participants needed a special attention which is not always easy to provide in such rich work environment with more than 30 co-workers in various fields, joining from various countries and natively speaking different langages. A definitely good ground to learn to communicate and practice English but far from be so easy while you are like me an introvert.

I always have been lucky to finally wherever I go find a surrounding which can support my sensitivity. But let's be honest I developed special surviving skills while I have been adopted at the age of 2 and a half to change all my environment and references from a day to another and trust in the new people surrounding me. It requires practice and a lot of trust in yourself to go to make your first work experience in a foreign country even more when you are not confident with the local langage or English. Loosing your comfort zone, it can appear faster than we thought the feeling of not being able of success.

One of my personal challenge with the @globalschool is to make this ability which allows to work and cooperate with anyone from any kind of society or culture available and accessible because achieving fullfilment is something everyone needs.

Nomadic learning

It enables to go through what can appear for a time as failure but is just a sign as a reminder that you are on the path to higher success. You might need to keep some reminders, be prepared to the fall and for that nothing better than a trustful surrounding attentive who will give you this opportunity to go to learn somewhere else.

While most young people are appearing very confident, a lot have a real lack of confidence and do not really know what they are able to do and doubt can become the reason to think failure when the result of your work can appear to other 1000 times more valuable than what they could do by themselves.

For all the experience I gathered from the European Forums, conferences, the IT and Media industries, the research and instutional field in general is what I experience with these young amazingly talented young people. The world do not have the framework to care about intelligences properly and give the chance to everyone to see their potential and or to get the proper conditions to each blossom and be able to care about the prosperity of self, the community and others. The reason if you are asking me is the following: emancipation and self developement are only really starting to emerge slowly. At the age of 8 or around this age young people start to fear to fail. Fear of failure and lack of talent management can bring the most capable of any of us in doubts or worst in cognitive or creative overload. Doubts are good because they make us evolve, only if we do not have fear to fail and we are resilient to it which requires probably to experience a bit values such as ethic to not fall in any kind of abuses.

Decentralized thinking = Inter-Operability

All of this to explain why I believe Nomadic Leadership and learning are keys in transforming the traditional socio economical competition towards a more cooperation based (self) developement allowing participation, initiative and responsability to be taken over and not kept. In that regard @globalschool participants are prototyping what a fully functional edge blockchain can be.

GlobalSchool Report

While a big part of the IT group led by Gergo worked on the 3d modelization of several parts of different buildings of Vienna, Austria. Gergo also cooperate in testing, debugging, reviewing and providing suggestions for improvements of the iAme platform, for the 2d animation editor, the 3d editor, the streaming platform and video player, the game engine, the integrated ERP and from a maximum of social media features. Conclusion, we must correct a lot of bugs, the platform is huge features diversified via the various branches, so we'll take time to evaluate what are we keeping, merging, deprecating or simplifying ^^.

One of the participant named Moni worked on making a design proposal to improve the iAme login page. Then, she decided to focus on the Artificial Intelligence side developing the basis for a desktrop version allowing voice recognition and speech synthesis. Afterward she overlooked the design developement with the new group of Graphic Designers. Here one of the selected version:

The 3d team was divided in various sub teams working each on their task. Gábor more comfortable with Javascript worked on the integration of the 3d models in our 3d online editor, that allowed the team to pick up already made 3d models to re-use.

Co-generate the following 3d models using the editor produced for the needs of @globalschool:

  • Building TravelShack
  • Building the Youth Hostel of Hutteldorf
  • Building the Youth Hostel of Brigittenau
  • Building the EGA

Additionally to this, Gabor, one of the participant improved the 3d editor and included new libraries with the 3d objects generated by the team to allow a faster modelization of places using the same models of equipment and avoid to duplicate the production of an object.

Making the next generation blockchain ecosystem visible and easy to understand by everyone

or why to produce the modelization of these places?

In 2016 with @wolfgangsieberth and @generationeuropa we started to produce a new feature for the iAme, after the 2d map for the resources planning, we thought, lets go for a concrete use case more related to learning, core of our project. After a while, we came up with "iAme - Digital Training Room" (DTR) to showcases the Re-wind Training Courses organized by the European Youth Foundation to involve new organization in how to apply to the Council of Europe and EU funding grants on General.

iAme / DTR / Re-wind

Credit: Jean Marteau and Wolfgang Sieberth

Within the framework of the European Youth Foundation Training series of which the last part was called Re-wind we recreated the training experience by mirroring the real conference room into a virtual space. Together with participants and resource persons of the EYF we were able to recreate a simple version of the seminar including display of seminar results to be available for further use by participants.

Description: The Digital Training Room is a virtual and simulated space mirroring any training course to the digital reality. The objective of the DTR is to network all relevant information and processes of a training experience to a single, meaning full and interactive virtual space. Key features of the DTR are participant motivation recognition-linking, content recording and storage, 3D visualization of abstract data, asset validation tools, 3D exploration capability of content and knowledge embedding guidance.

The DTR allows for all involved individuals in a training or learning activity to assess the value of all participating elements, personal and non-personal, in order to better understand the meaning of a training activity. It also allows individuals to access training processes at one central virtual space, allowing them to process data much faster and easier after they return to their home environment.

The DTR is developed in three stages, of which the first one is a recording and download space. In this versions DTRs are created to allow participants to download and look at training processes and material through a 3 dimensional reality. The second stage is a DTR that includes interaction, chatting, posting, generally the possibility to upload for the participant. In this version participants can collaborate, exchange data and create a common digital memory of a training event. The third version is a self created DTR. Participants will have the opportunity to design their own digital learning space, thus enabling them to take full control of esthetics or workflow aspects.

Let's go back to our Hungarian group joining from Eger!

In October 2018 @generationeuropa is organizing "Go Visual", a Training Course (TC) in which most of the international network of cooperants (who inspired me to create the @globalschool) will be available as well as Bogdan (main trainer of the Re-wind TC) visible in the Re-wind 3d model above. A unique occasion to see if the tool we have imagined can be used by the IT group to generate a 3d model and use it for a data vizualization of the inter linkage between ideas and functional departement(s) of the international alliance. A tool which will allow the various participants to understand better how they can cooperate further while sharing an idea and see routes of how to implement it via this interface which highlight the resources and people visible in it with their competences. The tool will be available post Training which will allow to see if the usage of the tool have an impact on the generation of outcomes from this training experience and alliance and compare it to previous cases.

Building the Youth Hostel of Hutteldorf

To get started with the 3d editor Gergelry (Media Group beginning of September) show them how to modelize simple objects for the Hutteldorf 3d project.

starting from simple

to more complex

Building the Youth Hostel of Brigittenau

Handlovics Dorián,László and Zoltán have built the entry of the hostel.

After some days...

The corridor towards the lobby room.

Here the lobby room in construction made by Timi, István, Timea and Viktor.

Final result (without final textures!)

Building the EGA

On this last Wedensday 6 members of our IT team went to the EGA to start the modelization of the exhibition area of the Lotus Charity event organized by @artcanhelp. It was their final mission before to get their certification: generate as much as they can with the supervision of Gergo who until the end assumed his role as team leader. A mission nearly impossible to do in this small time window. But they found their way to share the tasks and deliver.

Some worked on the 3d objects

Others on the areas of the exhibiton building of the EGA itself

While the others where modelizing, Tamas a young talented IT member learned how to secure better our system and looked for sources of funding to support the developement teams. Beatrix managed the Daily reporting learned to use databases and practice her English skills while also developing and improving her organizational skills, thanks to her effort I might be able to publish soon some more detailed reports.

At the end of their 3 weeks, while the Go Visual TC started, I get the occasion to speak with Dr. Igor Novitskiy representing our Russian Partner Falco Group who is defintely interested to develop further researches and developement on the AI topic with the motivated participants and he is already enthusiatic to take further steps.

One of the @globalschool team composed of Photographers, Graphic Designers and Advertisers joining from Poland started cooperating on Go Visual today and get their first data. Next week they will be able to imagine how to display these data in the 3d scene , imagine the texture mapping, the interactivity, light and sound design.

More on Go Visual in the next posts!...

Curious about Globalschool? Have a look to the last post of @manncpt here:

As seen on social media...

Credit: Screenshot of Globalschool Facebook Group. Memes by Moni & Gergo.

More to come soon

If you like our work, consider to support the @globalschool by making a crypto-donation.
@globalschool IM Wallet:


Wow, this is a long and detailed report. The IT group achieved a lot with your help and the work of the last years!

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

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