Drugs, Media, Teenagers & Their Psychology.

in #education7 years ago (edited)

As a doctoral student pursuing a degree in Clinical psychology, it is of utmost importance for myself to understand the pathology of our next generation-- that is, NATURALLY. I've had the good fortune to meet over 2000 children over the course of the last 5 years in San Diego, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania.

One common theme I've found is that like corporate work, everything is a popularity contest. Instagram followers, Snapchat scores, Facebook Likes or Kyle Jenner's Lipkit. All but few of the kids measure their importance and self-efficacy by the possession of social media accounts. If your account has the most liked picture, irrespective of how ethical that picture may be, you've done well for yourself. If the picture depicts a disparaging message to the obese, unattractive or sexually promiscuous population, it doesn't matter! Almost no parent condones this kind of a message or behavior, but almost no parent is aware of their child's true motives (who does?!). We disliked and continue to dislike dictators, monarch's and unilateral governments that manipulate our ability to reason and derive at our own decisions and choices.

But, one would argue that our children have the opportunity to choose what they want to see, who they wish to hang out with and what they'd like to post on their Instagram accounts. What's it to us? Well, the problem is that our children are becoming adults earlier and earlier as the generations come. For whatever the reason is, our daughters are starting their periods a full 3 years earlier than the previous generation. Our sons are undergoing puberty at the average age of 11. They are developing the same adult desires and motives that an eighteen year old and a 21 year old has. The difference is that a 21 year old is allowed to drink, and an 18 year old is allowed to vote. They are held responsible for their actions and their brains have developed to weigh risk-reward much better than when they were 10 years old.

Propaganda, Hollywood & the Media however display their content everywhere-- From Billboards, to TV, to Radio to the subway station. Basically, everywhere you go, the advertising industry lives there. If your nine and ten year old who is NOT allowed to vote, NOT allowed or expected to earn their own money, NOT allowed to have a credit card, NOT allowed to get married is exposed to everything that is intended for people aged in their later teens, they are going to do what an eighteen year old does.

Your child will want to drink and will not care to know what happens or who it happens to as a result of their action.
Your pre-teen will want an Instagram to showcase what she saw Gigi Hadid or Kendell Jenner do, without having the same degree of protection they have.
Your 8 year old will do what the rest of the class wants to do.
Your pre-teen will value drugs if he/she doesnt have an equally exciting alternative.

Our media cares not who the message is for. It only cares about Sales. When kids are influenced at such an early age, it is best to reason with them and give them facts and reasons. Telling them and showing them the prolonged drug abuse wont do anything immediately but at a later time, it will resonate. Showing them the behind-the-scenes of photoshoots and stories of their role models will help them think twice before idolizing them. Taking social media into context and demonstrating the dangers of their choices and the positives of their choices will better equip them when they post their next selfie.
Teaching them the value of friendship and tolerance for all individuals will resonate with them-- maybe not now, but soon.

Your kids are smarter than you think. They are influenced and want to find their niche just as we found ours.. Give them informed choices, and let them make it. When they are of adult age, they will value these reminders and prolonged explanations. A NO without explanation will only burn bridges between you and them. Educate them on their choices. Their choices of friends, their content on Instagram and Snapchat and the immortality of the internet. ![social.gif]

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