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RE: Cowboy Ethics- The Code Of The West

in #education6 years ago

howdy again @thereikiforest! well, I certainly admire your going out and starting a homestead and I'm sure you are following the big homesteaders on Steemit to gain more knowledge? it's like being in school with these people being so skilled at what they do. So you have some acreage, any source of water?
and I assume you moved from a city so it is a big adjustment?

no adventures here, just pounding away at Steemit and trying to stay cool!
God bless you reikiman!


Hey again my friend :) Thank you for asking some more great questions (by doing so you are helping me come out of my shell..and I super appreciate that!) I have started following some of the homesteaders but haven't paid as much attention as I should have been (that's among the changes I am presently implementing). Now that I think about it, I should probably take some time to review and thin out the blogs that I follow..I haven't done that since I joined (when I started I was like following everybody lol) Do you have any recommendations by chance of awesome homesteaders to connect with? <333

In some ways it has been a big adjustment. Like I was really shocked that people (native mainers) literally had/have a strong disliking (or borderline hate in some instances) toward me...for the simple fact that I am from massachusetts. It is what it is...I mean it hurt don't get me wrong, but I came to realize that it doesn't change who I am and that Life speaks for itself. I mostly just hang out with my trees, I'm a natural introvert anyways lol

We have just under 2 acres and we are on town water (for now). That's how it was when we moved here. Thankfully we are on an aquifer but we are in a spot that Poland Springs would like to take over like it has done to most of the neighborhood so I don't know if there will be any bs that arises when we make the move to do that..but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. It feels weird going from the city to what feels like a village even though they call it a town...but overall I love the energy so much better. All the trees and wildlife make it worth it <333

That sounds to me like the makings of a good day you've got going on there buddy! Happy Steeming & Reiki Hugs BroStar! God Bless Your Beautyfull Soul as well!

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howdy back again @thereikiforest..hey, what is the reason for the animosity from the local Mainers? I've heard that anywhere you move to in New England you get the same treatment as outsiders even if you are from a state nextdoor.
Are they fairly conservative in that part of Maine?

If you like questions to help you come out of your shell you came to the right place because I am very interested in people, everyone has a story and I love to ask questions.
In fact just yesterday someone told me that I ask too many questions. lol.
I'm like well excuse me for being interested in your life!

have you been to papa-pepper 's blog? he is the ultimate homesteader, teacher, gardener, wildlife person, tells you what to grow, how to prepare it, just everything to do with homesteading and he posts literally 4 to 6 times each day! and each one very educational.

then there is also a homesteaders group ghscollective.

Do you have a real world job?

thanks so much for getting back to me reikiman! at a rep of 63 you must be doing something right!

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