How to Motivate Yourself to Learn

in #education6 years ago

From research - research shows, that successful learning depends not only on the intelligence of the child, but depends on many things, including the motives. Therefore, the effort to create a patterned learning action is very important. As we know, the motive background is primarily the existence of the perceived needs of the students. So awaken the students to the needs that diperluhkan means to cause a child's learning motives. Students, especially the very young, many who do not understand the meaning of learning and being learned; for the various learning materials learned and whether the study is useful for life in the future, he has not realized.
They generally feel new biological needs. While people live in society, not solitary; the society in which various abilities and abilities are demanded. The child must learn and must understand why to learn. So awakening and convincing the child of educated meanings for the position of people in society, awaken and convinced of the benefits of lesson materials presented by the school for later life after leaving school and so forth are efforts to motivate the learning action of the child.

In the history of Ovide Decroly, for example, is well-known as a person who cares about the role of motivation in learning. The subject matter was chosen carefully and based on the points he called the centers of interest or the "center d'interset", for which the various tendencies of the child, especially the drive for self-satisfaction. In this way differentiates the four centers of interest on, that is related to food, clothing, self-defense and self-game and games or work. Then it is clear that learning must be accompanied by motives. Without motive, action learning will not achieve adequate results.

Often the needs required to achieve a particular goal are poorly realized by the child, so that the teacher or school must make a temporary or artificial purpose. For example, the teacher or the school would want to direct the learning to a certain purpose and for that required an increase in learning activities of children. But this increased effort is not easy, so artificial purposes are created. For example, issued a rule or a promise, that anyone who can show the best learning achievement in his class, will get the title of "class star", or the best achievement in school will get the title of "school star". Then the students will compete with each other, they try to study hard, because getting the title of "stars" is already a necessity, in this case social needs.

With that title they feel appreciated, honored, even a symbol of praise, especially from his parents. So now their learning action is a motive action, namely based on the perceived needs and directed to the achievement of the goal, which is a "charter" or so. That's for the protégé. But seen from the school or teacher the gift of a charter or other sign is not an essential educational purpose, but as a tool to generate learning action bercar, which with that factor is expected to be achieved real educational goals. The process of using artificial purposes (temporary) to generate the activities necessary to achieve the real objective is the process of conditioning. Artificial purpose, which is intended to be pursued by students with activity is commonly referred to as reinfocer34.

Robert H. Davis proposed 9 principles of teaching and learning that can motivate students to want and can learn as follows:

  1. Prerikwisit Principles (Prerequisites)

Students are encouraged to learn something new when they have a stock that is a prerequisite for the lesson. If teachers ignore this it can create boredom for students who have mastered and vice versa or frustration for the students feel difficult and can not master it.

  1. The principle of meaningfulness

Students are motivated to learn when the subject matter is meaningful to them. Therefore, teachers should be able to convey the subject matter related to what they experienced, connected with future use and related to what is of interest.

  1. Modeling Principles

Students are motivated to show behavior if the behavior is modeled by the teacher (Performance Modeling). In this case the student will prefer to obey what the teacher does from what is said, so that here applies the principle of "The Medium is the Message"

  1. Open Communication Principles

Students are motivated to learn when the information and expectations conveyed to them are well structured and communicative. In this case Bruner suggests that teaching to be more effective need the subject matter degrukturkan well with the processing of communicative messages. One example of this principle is: the formulation and announcement of instructional objectives clearly, using simple words so easily understood by the students.

  1. The Attractive Principle

Students are motivated to learn the message and the information is delivered attractively (attractively). Therefore, teachers should always try to present the subject matter in a way attract attention, and it would be nice if every subject matter can be followed and accepted by students with intensive attention.

  1. Principles of Participation and Engagement

Students are motivated to learn when they feel involved and take an active part in the activity. Thus, teachers need to apply the concept of competency-based curriculum (KBK) in pelakasanaan teaching and learning process, because with this concept students experience emotional intellectual involvement in addition to physical involvement in the learning process.

  1. Guiding Principle Withdrawal Guidance

Students are motivated to learn if teacher guidance and instruction are gradually withdrawn. The withdrawal begins when the students begin to understand and master what they have learned.

  1. Principle of Schedule Dissemination

Students are motivated to learn when learning programs are scheduled in dispersion over a period of time that is not too long. Teaching and learning programs for a long time and in a row tend to be boring students.

  1. Consignment Principle in Exciting Conditions

Students are motivated to learn when the instructional conditions are enjoyable, thus allowing for optimal learning.

Intrinsic motivation has a powerful role in learning events, but despite assignments. In assigning assignments to students it is important to see and keep in mind the relationship between the student's level of need and the level of motivation to be imposed. The teacher must be clever to involve the "ego involement" of the disciple. If the motivation is subjected to the disciples' ego involvement, so any task that gives will be regarded as a challenge, causing the respective person to maintain his or her pride to accomplish the task vigorously. The student will feel satisfied and his self-esteem arises when he / she can complete the assignment.

34 Ahmad. Thanthowi, Psikologi Pendidikan. PT. Angkasa Bandung 1991. hlm : 72-73

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