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RE: Cowboy Ethics- The Code Of The West

in #education6 years ago

My plan involves naps lots and lots of naps. Thinking up things to say makes me sleepy. Don't it make you tired. True introverts like me aren't use to all this talking.
Actually it seems like I had some better idea in mind but I will have to go to all the trouble to think it up again
Don't know why you care so much you seem to have that top spot in the bag. I am lucky just to inch up enough to catch a bit of extra Steem


@headchange ! hahaha! very cute and your humor, your sarcasm, your wit. gotta be some type of redneck I love that too.
why do I care so much? did you ever read my profile and the word that isn't really a word but one that I made up and no one has caught?
oh undersell yourself by a long way. you just won that contest and proved that you are a legitimate contender in Asher's League also. Are you sure you're an introvert? I'M the introvert around here, I know that sounds weird but did anyone ever call you a hermit? that's just my nature and I was perfectly suited to be the farmer that I was raised to be.

Oh yeah I get called a hermit all the time. Maybe being an introvert is almost a requirement for spending so much time at the keyboard. I don't expect to do as well on the leagues this week. Just not feeling real talkative over all.
I do expect I will give that top 10 list another shot at some point.

I understand but you ARE going to stay in contact right? not go off into the woods or something? hey, what you just said there is another great subject for a post! you're full of them today!

I elect you to investigate how to get in with Curie, I keep seeing people who gets huge upvotes from her or he or it and it significantly bumps up their rep. Glen says it's happened to him 3 times so far and he has never done any chatting on Curie's discord and doesn't know how it happened but each time it did his rep number went up 1.5 points. do you know anything?
you and I need some bumps!
you better not be a stranger to me this week girl.

I will type with you on curie for sure that is a great goal and also super for an account boost. So don't let me forget
I am starting to see lately who is involved with the curation. Also been kind of noticing what they look for. With that accomplished the next logical step is to produce with them in mind while making sure to get the right eyes on the work. I believe I heard they like fresh content as in being submitted the same day. That means timing is everything. Kind of considered shooting for that in future myself.
It would be a time investment first researching how to aim right. then producing several post up to their standards. That part would be a commitment as far as time and effort. There are also a couple other projects that offer a great account boost. Got a few things on the radar myself. Hopefully will attempt one or the other before my delegation expires in eight weeks. Remind me to keep you informed never know when I may stumble into some useful info.

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