Rocket Chicken - Benefits learned to draw and coloring for children

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, my older sister @yuslindwi sent a few pictures of his son (my niece) who are following the drawing and coloring activities in the school's kindergarten. Very nice to see happy faces and their enthusiasm while attending the event. I was interested to write and share with stemians about the benefits of drawing and coloring activities for children.

Drawing and Coloring is a fun activity for children. Through these activities they could describe a variety of imagination in their heads. The images they produce are also able to demonstrate the level of creativity and mood of children. In addition, coloring activities as well as self-actualization of children in art.

Drawing and coloring also has many benefits for children, including :

As a medium of expression

Activity Coloring empty field is a way for your child to express her feelings. Through images made visible what is being felt, whether it was a sense of joy or sadness.

Train children to hold a pencil

For some children, crayons was the first thing that grasped before they grip a pencil. When coloring with crayons that's the first time your child learn to grasp and control the pencil in his hand. The ability that will help him in writing at school later.

Helps to know the difference in color

Accustom children to do activities a good coloring with crayons, colored pencils or markers early on can help them get to know the colors, so that they can distinguish between the colors of the other colors. It is also easier for them to mix and match colors. Ability is what will help your child to be creative with the development of their age.

Color is the media treatment

Colour therapy is a medium for many people, even the color is often used as a global language to read a person's emotions. A child is coloring the sun with dark colors such as black or gray may indicate their anger at the time. Besides the way the children carve color can also express their nature, for example, if the children color the manner regularly incised lines in the figure indicate that the child has a tendency regular lifestyle.

Train the coordination capabilities

Ability to cooperate is another benefit to be gained from the activity of the coloring. In the coloring required good coordination between eye and hand, ranging from how the right grip crayons, to choose the colors and sharpen the crayons. The ability to coordinate this basis that can develop basic capabilities to their child grows up.

Coloring improve concentration

Coloring activity concentration can train children to stay focused on the job he does, although many other activities going on around him. A child who is completing the task will focus on the coloring sheet image being diwarnainya, so that even if any fuss around with the activities of other children, he will still focus on completing the task of coloring. The ability to concentrate is that would be useful for children to solve problems or other learning in school that requires high concentration.

Develop motor skills

Activity Coloring is an activity that can help improve the performance of hand muscles while developing motor skills of children. The ability is very important in the development of future activities, such as typing, lifting and other activities where required performance arm and hand muscles in the process.

Coloring train children know the boundaries of the image area.

Knowing the limits of the image area is another benefit of the coloring activity. In the early days of the child started coloring activities, they will not be concerned with drawing the boundary line in front of him, it is perfectly natural, let your children feel comfortable and interested in advance with coloring activities. As time goes by and you get older, they will begin to appreciate and pay attention to the boundary lines, and trying to paint a picture in front of him without exit line. Familiarize children learn from childhood coloring'll practice more susceptible to limit the line early.

Coloring train your child to make the target

Coloring process requires a single target is successfully colored the image area available. By doing coloring activities from an early age, children will learn to finish the task it faces. This is where will build a sense of responsibility with your child receives work while raising children's confidence that he could complete the task becomes tanggunh he replied. This attitude will help accomplish these tasks later, and also train him to not give up to the challenges it will face.


Congratulations to my niece..!

If you like, follow me @harferri

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