The Situation with Public Education

in #education5 years ago (edited)

Alex Newman, the nature of UNESCO and the globalist hand on public education:


JBS Education Pages:


Sarah Corriher describes the most recent problem with teachers trying to insist parents be left out of the picture:


John Taylor Gatto was a two-time teacher of the year in NYC who left the system after determining that public ed was harming children and that there was nothing any one teacher could do about it.

Of more than usual interest is the question of a Prussian connection. The most basic problem with public education worldwide and not just in the US, is that it originated with a model which Prussians adopted after Napoleon wiped them at Jena around 1807. That model was never meant to produce self-reliant or well educated people; it was meant to produce cannon fodder and bricks in the wall. Aside from every other problem which people should have with that is the problem that the jobs for the robots that system is meant to produce are increasingly being done by real robots.


Pink Floyd produced a fabulous impression on what this whole thing looks like to children:


All of that, of course, is before you even get to the questions of UN/globalist/leftist indoctrination or Common Core or anything like that. As Alex Newman notes, public education cannot be reformed or fixed, the problems are basic and fundamental. The only sane approach there is, is to get as many children out of that system as possible, as fast as possible.

Newman notes that if a school building is on fire, your first thought cannot be "Gee, how can I put that fire out and save that building!!"; your first thought has to be to get the kids the hell out of the building and then decide if you want to worry about the building....


Intelligent voices in the Catholic church are now saying the same thing.


By all accounts, American literacy rates were vanishingly close to 100% BEFORE the advent of compulsory schooling, with ordinary people reading complex material (Federalist Papers etc.) which were being posted on the walls of stores and public houses. Today's situation is a disaster by that standard.

The problem is likely to get worse before it gets better even with the best efforts anybody could muster.

Today's kids could conceivably be living in a dystopian world twenty years down the road. Best would be for them to be as close to self-reliant as possible.

Public schools do not teach many or most such self-reliance skills.


If I were twelve or fourteen years old, I'd have a list of thing I'd want to be able to do at 16 or 17. A minimal such list might include:

  • Be able to drive most modern vehicles including manual transmission vehicles.
  • Be able to change tires, change oil etc.
  • Be able to use a Singer sewing machine.
  • For girls, have some idea as to how to assist at births.
  • Have at least two unrelated and salable skills (welding, carpentry, cosmetology...) so that amongst other things, I'd have some shot at putting myself through college if I ever thought I needed to.
  • Be able to type decently, at least in English and at least 60 - 70 wpm without watching my hands.
  • Be familiar with at least the three basic msoft office products, Word, eXcel, Powerpoint.

  • Have command of at least one foreign language.
  • Know how to use basic tools including power tools.
  • Be familiar with the most common kinds of modern firearms, at least know how to use and clean them. Be able to hit at least 20 shots in a round of skeets.
  • What Russian schools teach about firearms...
  • Have some clue as to public speaking.
  • Have read Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people".
  • Have some clue as to the basic ideas of the US constitution.
  • Have some idea as to how to cook, at least simple things like eggs, sausage and potatoes, so I wouldn't starve the first week I ever moved away from home.
  • Understand the basics of modern mathematics if possible, have some idea of what logarithms are and what slide-rules were, some idea of basic trig functions and how they work, some idea of what derivatives and integrals are and the basic rule ("fundamental theorem of calculus:) which ties the two together.
  • Have as much familiarity as possible with RC, Drone, and FPV technologies. These new tech areas figure to become increasingly major and critical as time goes on
  • =========================================

    But, again, the ideal solution would be for the the American people to pull ALL of their children out of the government schools on a single day. We need to see how close we can come to that.

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